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World of the Bizarre

'Devil cat' terrorizes villagers

By T.K. Randall
November 28, 2013 · Comment icon 25 comments

The infamous cat has gained something of a reputation. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 2.0 Airwolfhound
An otherwise unremarkable domestic cat is responsible for a spate of attacks in a quiet Cornish village.
The cat known as 'Shiny' has struck so much fear in to the residents of Little Treviscoe that people have taken to heading indoors and arming themselves whenever they see the feline walking around outside.

Local police have investigated at least five cases in which the infamous cat has clawed and scratched people, sometimes even in their own homes. Some of the injuries inflicted by the cat have been severe enough to require hospital treatment. It isn't clear what has prompted the animal to act so violently and its owners have been unable to find a way to put an end to its antics.
"[My mother] had a large skin tear down the arm, which we had to dress every day for about three weeks, and two big puncture wounds on the back of her leg," said resident Carol Ballsdon. "It is just four sets of claws and a set of teeth coming at you."

Locals have been pushing for the police to do something about the issue but officers admit that they are powerless to act because the laws governing the control of dangerous dogs don't apply to cats.

Source: Fox News | Comments (25)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #16 Posted by Calibeliever 11 years ago
They need this guy:
Comment icon #17 Posted by Lava_Lady 11 years ago
They need this guy: Wow... who is this guy? He certainly has a magnificently large egg shaped cranium. Does he battle "Devil Cats" with it?
Comment icon #18 Posted by freetoroam 11 years ago
Wow... who is this guy? He certainly has a magnificently large egg shaped cranium. Does he battle "Devil Cats" with it? Jeeze, you are right about the large egg shaped cranium. Guess he has got his "devil cat exterminator" kit in there.
Comment icon #19 Posted by spud the mackem 11 years ago
No problem just give Jerrie a phone he'll sort Tom out.
Comment icon #20 Posted by Ryu 11 years ago
Wow... who is this guy? He certainly has a magnificently large egg shaped cranium. Does he battle "Devil Cats" with it? I think his name is Jonathan Galaxy (or thereabouts) and he has a show called "My cat from hell" and if he is real then he is very good with kitties.
Comment icon #21 Posted by kapow53 11 years ago
The cat must be sick mentally or physically or the story is BS, very unusual
Comment icon #22 Posted by Azznerak the Black 11 years ago
After reading about the cunning intellect of these villagers it makes me question how the human species learned to form sounds into language.
Comment icon #23 Posted by RavenEyes19 11 years ago
I don't believe it. No cat ever gave me a black and blue like that. How? It would need to be a vice like grip or blow. Cats being framed Perhaps she fell or knocked her arm into something while trying to get the cat off Idk. Some people bruise very easily. Anyways an aggressive cat like that can cause a lot of damage. I have a cat that can be so sweet, but is mean to people she's not familar with. I have to warn guests not to pet her. She's very skittish too. I was holding her once and she got startled by a loud noise. I looked like someone slashed me up with a knife. The worst cut ran from my... [More]
Comment icon #24 Posted by Mark56 11 years ago
I've got a 8lb Chihuahua that would take him out in about 3 seconds.
Comment icon #25 Posted by Hares 11 years ago
I've been attacked by feral cats (helping catch them for a sanctuary) and only bruises I got was after I fell etc...scratches sure, but not bruises.

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