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World of the Bizarre

Meet the world's fastest talking woman

By T.K. Randall
July 9, 2014 · Comment icon 30 comments

Fran speaks so fast that it's hard to keep up. Image Credit: YouTube / LPE360
Guinness World Record holder Fran Capo is able to recite up to 11 words every second.
The fast-talking mother of one identifies herself as a comedian, an adventurer, an author and a motivational speaker whose impressively speedy vocals have seen her in high demand in venues across the United States and beyond.

Having broken the Guinness World Record for fastest talking female, Capo is able to belt out words so quickly that most people are unable to even understand what she is saying.
Her latest official record saw her say 603.32 words within the space of 54.2 seconds and she can recite the 'Three Little Pigs' story within 15 seconds.

She attributes her remarkable ability to the fact that the part of her brain responsible for speech works a little differently to that of most people, allowing her to perceive whole sentences as single blocks that can be recited all at once.

Source: Metro | Comments (30)

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Comment icon #21 Posted by Astra00 11 years ago
What an overbearing person.....I need an aspirin
Comment icon #22 Posted by Aardvark-DK 11 years ago
Sound like my X....
Comment icon #23 Posted by Realm 11 years ago
Glad she ain't my wife.
Comment icon #24 Posted by Metal Head 11 years ago
The hell, she is just spewing gibberish she is not even enunciating any words she says the first couple words then gibberish then the last couple words. What a phony.
Comment icon #25 Posted by IBelieveWhatIWant 11 years ago
The hell, she is just spewing gibberish she is not even enunciating any words she says the first couple words then gibberish then the last couple words. What a phony. Because you can't understand it, that makes her a fake? Just like saying because you don't understand the words in rap that they aren't really speaking words.
Comment icon #26 Posted by Ryu 11 years ago
Because you can't understand it, that makes her a fake? Just like saying because you don't understand the words in rap that they aren't really speaking words. I agree with metalhead on this. You cannot possibly rattle off all those words and pronounce them clearly to boot. Something will invariably be sacrificed in order to meet this "record". As far as rap goes, the same thing applies, most of these people are garbling their words so badly that they may as well be going "Buh-blah, blah, buh-buh blah" rhythmically and people will think its "great". Even most people, young and old, can't seem t... [More]
Comment icon #27 Posted by IBelieveWhatIWant 11 years ago
I agree with metalhead on this. You cannot possibly rattle off all those words and pronounce them clearly to boot. Something will invariably be sacrificed in order to meet this "record". As far as rap goes, the same thing applies, most of these people are garbling their words so badly that they may as well be going "Buh-blah, blah, buh-buh blah" rhythmically and people will think its "great". Even most people, young and old, can't seem to talk clearly anymore. They either mumble or garble their words; often doing both. I just fail to see the "talent" here. You fail to see the talent because yo... [More]
Comment icon #28 Posted by Bildr 11 years ago
As long as someone didn't slow down the video and show proof that she truly all said what she said she did in this short time... I claim this as false.
Comment icon #29 Posted by nohands 11 years ago
Comment icon #30 Posted by Silent Trinity 11 years ago
This woman is a walking example of why the National Rifle Association is a good thing .... annoying doesn't even cover it ......

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