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Microbes found 2,400m below the seabed

By T.K. Randall
December 16, 2014 · Comment icon 13 comments

The organisms were found deep below the bottom of the sea. Image Credit: NOAA
The world's deepest ever marine drilling expedition has uncovered signs of life in the 'deep biosphere'.
The presence of extreme life forms in the depths of the ocean has been well documented in recent years, but now scientists venturing even deeper still by drilling in to the ground beneath the seabed have revealed the discovery of microbes living in some of the most inhospitable conditions seen anywhere on Earth.

Despite having no light, no oxygen and a very limited amount of water and nutrients the organisms however seemed to be thriving.

"We keep looking for life, and we keep finding it, and it keeps surprising us as to what it appears to be capable of," said researcher Elizabeth Trembath-Reichert.
The team had used a special drilling apparatus to penetrate a record-breaking 8,024ft in to the rock beneath the ocean floor where they removed core samples from an ancient coal bed system.

"We chose these coal beds because we knew there was carbon, and we knew that this carbon was about as tasty to eat, when it comes to coal, as you could get for microbes," said Trembath-Reichert.

The discovery widens further the possibilities that life may exist in similarly extreme conditions on other worlds where most conventional life forms would be unable to survive.

Source: BBC News | Comments (13)

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Comment icon #4 Posted by freetoroam 10 years ago
That's nothing. You should see the bizarre stuff we have on the ocean floor at 47° 9 S 126° 43 W, where my home is. Can you provide some pics, would love to see pictures of R'lyeh today taken with your camera...........nothing blurry now!!!
Comment icon #5 Posted by Oxo1 10 years ago
The good news is, the possibility of microbes living on exoplanets in space, equally as good, is this opens up the possibility of advanced life forms also living on exoplanets. This is the best news yet, for us people who knew all along we are not alone in the universe.
Comment icon #6 Posted by danielost 10 years ago
2,400m seems a pretty safe place for them, for now, considering all the "plastics' and other rubbish we humans are polluting the oceans with. I am sure more will be found even deeper over time as the sealife evolve to what we throw at it. And yes, it has been said many times before, where some people think life on other planets will resemble man or that life can not exist because of extreme conditions, we have our own extreme conditions where life does flourish...and they look nothing like men, not even close. these microbes aren't there due to humans.
Comment icon #7 Posted by freetoroam 10 years ago
these microbes aren't there due to humans. HUH, and what made you put this? who mentioned they were?
Comment icon #8 Posted by ovakynd 10 years ago
A true will to thrive !! So interesting we start to glimpse through evolution it's always been here .
Comment icon #9 Posted by DieChecker 10 years ago
Gives me hope of finding live on other planets too. Mars could have deep down microbes living there right now, on residual radiation and heat.
Comment icon #10 Posted by Hammerclaw 10 years ago
Yes. Microbes exist so deep in the crust, they can survive an asteroid impact large enough to evaporate Earth's oceans.
Comment icon #11 Posted by taniwha 10 years ago
Where there is life there is death.
Comment icon #12 Posted by danielost 10 years ago
Where there is life there is death. unless they are eaten, microbes don't die that often. they just become two more other microbes.
Comment icon #13 Posted by taniwha 10 years ago
unless they are eaten, microbes don't die that often. they just become two more other microbes. Well that is truly bizarre, but i like it.

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