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Space & Astronomy

What happens when two black holes collide ?

By T.K. Randall
January 11, 2015 · Comment icon 22 comments

A black hole collision has the potential to be extremely destructive. Image Credit: NASA / Alain Riazuelo
Scientists have been observing the beginnings of a collision between two supermassive black holes.
Despite the vast distances between galaxies it is inevitable that, sooner or later, some of them are going to run in to one another.

Astronomers have already had the opportunity to observe two galaxies in the process of merging following a collision, but the end result, which takes place after the supermassive black holes at the center of those galaxies smash together, has never been witnessed and remains something of a mystery.

Now scientists at Middlebury College in Vermont and the California Institute of Technology believe that they may have come up with a new theory to explain what happens.
If they are correct then the end result of a collision between two supermassive black holes is an explosion unlike anything that has ever been witnessed before, an event of cataclysmic destruction that is the equivalent to 100 million supernovas going off simultaneously.

The explosion would be so great in fact that it would rip the galaxy apart and create ripples in the very fabric of space-time itself as predicted by Einstein's theory of general relativity.

Those looking to witness such an event first-hand however will have a long wait - scientists believe that the supermassive black holes at the centers of the two merging galaxies being observed will not smash together for at least another one million years.

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Comment icon #13 Posted by Calibeliever 10 years ago
I'd hate to be anywhere in the neighborhood when that went down.
Comment icon #14 Posted by Karasu 10 years ago
Why does it have to be a million years from now. I was ready 5 years ago.
Comment icon #15 Posted by third_eye 10 years ago
I am putting my money on the bigger black hole will just give a Universal Burp ~ ~
Comment icon #16 Posted by Rhino666 10 years ago
Two black ho's having fight won't be pretty. Someone call the police before it all kicks off.
Comment icon #17 Posted by danielost 10 years ago
The presumed release of energy equivalent to 100 million supernovas? A big OUCH in the vicinity, I guess. that vicinity being several hundred light years away.
Comment icon #18 Posted by danielost 10 years ago
If two black holes collide they would wipe out the solar system they are in at the least !!!! super massive black holes don't have solar systems, they have galaxies and according to the story when two collide, they destroy the whole galaxy.
Comment icon #19 Posted by gailforce 10 years ago
lol that's so wrong, newbs a black hole is basically a massive field of gravity with a small spin if two of them wore to collide than there are 3 likely outcomes that the bigger one would eat the little one and gain mass as well as spin if they whore to be rotating in opposite directions if they whore going in the same direction the smaller one would slow down and weaken the bigger one (kind of like spinning tops) or they would neutralize on and other as they have relatively to completely no mass or it would collide in on it self
Comment icon #20 Posted by toast 10 years ago
wait, but the greatest modern mind Stephen Hawking was saying black holes don't exist Wrong. For starters:
Comment icon #21 Posted by toast 10 years ago
Comment icon #22 Posted by danielost 10 years ago
snip galaxies like the milky way orbit around super massive black holes. inside the event horizon is nothing but energy, in the form of radiation.

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