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Creatures, Myths & Legends

Was Russian 'apewoman' a genuine Yeti ?

By T.K. Randall
April 4, 2015 · Comment icon 179 comments

Could Zana have been a relic from our distant past ? Image Credit: YouTube / CEN
A DNA analysis suggests that a woman known as Zana may have been from a long lost human subspecies.
Captured in the Caucasus mountains in 1850, Zana was reported to possess characteristics more like that of a wild beast than a human. Her strength and athletic prowess was second to none and reports from the time alleged that she was able to outrun a horse and swim across even the most violent of rivers.

The story of Zana has always been associated with the legendary Alma of Central Asia, a cryptozoological human/Bigfoot cross that has often been to compared to a prehistoric human.

Recent DNA testing however has yielded some intriguing new clues in to the mystery by revealing that while Zana's DNA was 100% African, it was quite unlike that of any modern day African group.
Professor Bryan Sykes, the scientist who previously indicated that hair samples retrieved in the Hamalayas were those of an extinct species of polar bear, believes that Zana's DNA might suggest that she belonged to a subspecies of humans who left Africa for the Caucasus 100,000 years ago.

He also believes that the Alma is the most plausible of all the world's hominid legends.

"Bigfoot has many more people trying to find it," he said. "But I suppose either the yeti or the alma/almasty, which live in inaccessible and very thinly populated regions, is the most likely."

Zana herself, having been purchased by a nobleman to work as his servant, reportedly died in 1890.

Source: IB Times | Comments (179)

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Comment icon #170 Posted by DieChecker 10 years ago
I'd not heard that hypertrichosis created a sensitivity to cold.
Comment icon #171 Posted by Myles 10 years ago
I'd not heard that hypertrichosis created a sensitivity to cold. No, sorry I may have put that in the wrong format. A person with hypertrichosis is still just a person. The added hair is not so thick as to block out the cold. They would still be exposed to the elements and need heat and shelter.
Comment icon #172 Posted by DieChecker 10 years ago
No, sorry I may have put that in the wrong format. A person with hypertrichosis is still just a person. The added hair is not so thick as to block out the cold. They would still be exposed to the elements and need heat and shelter. Interestingly, I've not heard of many bigfoot reports that involve them being linked to caves/mines, which you would think would be where they'd hide out in really bad weather. I've read a few reports about them living in caves, but you'd think that every large cave would show some evidence of them hanging out... hummm...
Comment icon #173 Posted by Bavarian Raven 10 years ago
No, sorry I may have put that in the wrong format. A person with hypertrichosis is still just a person. The added hair is not so thick as to block out the cold. They would still be exposed to the elements and need heat and shelter. Not hard to make a fire that won't be seen if you know what you are doing. And I have read apart accounts where They were seen wrapped in furs. Coastal BC (at least at lower elevations usually doesn't get too cold). Some skins, a fire, and someplace dry (a shallow cave, large overhang, a large leaning tree, or a good shelter and They would be fine. Foods also ridicu... [More]
Comment icon #174 Posted by TheGreatBeliever 10 years ago
I believe there really r cases of humans mating with apes. They just go unreported. Hence all these human looking apes..
Comment icon #175 Posted by Atuke 10 years ago
I think calling Zana an 'apewomen' isn't the proper nomenclature. She most assuredly wasn't a Sasquatch or Yeti. She was a Sub-Saharan African slave who was used and abused and was kidnapped from her family tribe and forced into a life of bondage and slavery. Read the dark side(truth) of Zana and you won't sleep that night. Highly disturbing, and very sad. Sorry, she wasn't an Almasty, she was just a homo-sapian woman.
Comment icon #176 Posted by Khamical X 10 years ago
Zana was a "wild woman", much like a hermit. She had a severe speech impediment, grew enormous amounts of hair (due to living in harsh climate) and (for a while) was isolated from civilization. She came from a bloodline of people who were the original inhabitants of Russia(said Out of Africa migrants) and was a remnant of a left-behind indigene.
Comment icon #177 Posted by Razumov 6 years ago
Photos of the second skull from the Zana case, believed by Dr. Igor Burtsev to be Zana's:  
Comment icon #178 Posted by Razumov 6 years ago
Boris Porshnev had his own radical theory of evolution, which was his life's work. It does not resemble western theories of evolution, and has never been translated into English. His conception of the "Neanderthal" was very different from ours, and he believed the Almas to be a relic of that species, not a giant ape like Bigfoot. My own theory of the creature does not follow Porschnev. The lack of fire or tools other than sticks, their nocturnal habits and well developed night vision (glowing red eyes), inhuman feet, and corpse-like smell, all suggest to me a biped that branched off the human ... [More]
Comment icon #179 Posted by Jon the frog 6 years ago
WTF was that ! lol !

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