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World of the Bizarre

'Pyramid' spotted on the surface of Mars

By T.K. Randall
June 24, 2015 · Comment icon 167 comments

The pyramid-shaped rock appears to be only a couple of feet in height. Image Credit: NASA
Eagle-eyed conspiracy theorists have identified what looks like a small pyramid on the Red Planet.
A lot of strange things have been spotted in photographs taken by the Mars rovers over the years and this week another anomalous object has been added to the list - a small stone pyramid.

Discovered in images recorded by the Curiosity rover, the pint-sized structure is alleged to be the top of a much larger pyramid that had become buried in the sand over thousands of years.

Critics however have argued that the anomaly is far more likely to be a geological formation as similar pyramid-shaped rocks carved by the wind have been found on the Earth.
Other objects seen previously in photographs of Mars have included coffins, traffic lights, a hamster and even a rock that seemed to bear an uncanny resemblance to US President Barack Obama.

"The vast majority of these images are as vague and elusive as those posted by UFO witnesses on Earth, and many have a fairly mundane explanation," said author Nigel Watson.

"The problem is that the more Nasa denies such things or explains them, the more people think there is a conspiracy to hide the truth that aliens are visiting our planet."

Source: Yahoo! News | Comments (167)

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Comment icon #158 Posted by bee 10 years ago
"19.5 degrees, the energy updwelling position of hyperdimensional physics?" Mwahaha! I had to Google that because I'd heard the idea (if it's coherent enough to call "an idea") before and the result would be a laugh riot, and I see it's straight from Richard C. Hoagland's Enterprise Mission, which on the home page says that Curiosity has explored a layer rock formation called Shaler, which they have previously identified as "Martian Apartments". I actually spit my drink out laughing at that! I see it's the old hokum of drawing lines at random all over maps and satellite images until you find s... [More]
Comment icon #159 Posted by bee 10 years ago
. I thought that I already had answered your questions ? You asked me if there ever was a pyramid in the spot that you think represent Olympus Mons and I showed you that it was a flat piece of land with a cemetary, something that you could have found out yourself if you were honestly interested in knowing the answer. There is absolutely no reason to think that there ever was a pyramid there. In any event that would only have worked after you arbitrarily decided that the image of the Giza plateau was inverted. Guess what - I knew and could see there wasn't a stonking great pyramid there without... [More]
Comment icon #160 Posted by Leo Krupe 10 years ago
Bee, why stop there? Earth is a spheroid...Mars is a spheroid. Coincidence? I doubt it!
Comment icon #161 Posted by bmk1245 10 years ago
Guys, let it bee... Cut her some slack... Anyway, bee, with all due respect, let me ask you: if someone promise to meet you at 14:00 (some fancy place), and arrives at 16:00, do you consider that "just in time"?
Comment icon #162 Posted by pewdsfan13 10 years ago
There are quite a lot of comments.
Comment icon #163 Posted by nuclearwessel 10 years ago
It looks like a pointy rock to me. Bee, why stop there? Earth is a spheroid...Mars is a spheroid. Coincidence? I doubt it! Oblate spheroids, to be more precise.
Comment icon #164 Posted by Sir Wearer of Hats 10 years ago
A GNUINE SIGNAL from a pyramid on Mars .....
Comment icon #165 Posted by Leo Krupe 10 years ago
It looks like a pointy rock to me. Oblate spheroids, to be more precise. That makes it even more suspect then!
Comment icon #166 Posted by bee 10 years ago
and here are the two features with equilateral triangles drawn on - . Anyway, bee, with all due respect, let me ask you: if someone promise to meet you at 14:00 (some fancy place), and arrives at 16:00, do you consider that "just in time"? pardon.. Are you questioning my accuracy with the equilateral triangles or giving me a clue - - -? Is it something to do with time travel - -? .
Comment icon #167 Posted by nuclearwessel 10 years ago
A GNUINE SIGNAL from a pyramid on Mars ..... That seems pretty genuine to me.

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