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World of the Bizarre

Man wraps house in foil to ward off aliens

By T.K. Randall
September 15, 2015 · Comment icon 57 comments

The pensioner took the tin foil hat concept a little too far. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 Lewis Ronald
A 78-year-old in Hermitage has been fined after using spotlights and tin foil to deter extraterrestrials.
It is not uncommon to hear someone being referred to as a "tin foil hat wearer" if they appear to be overly paranoid about something, but for one elderly Pennsylvania resident the idea of using tin foil for protection has been taken perhaps a little too far.

78-year old Arthur Brown has managed to draw the ire of his neighbors by plastering the silver material across large parts of his house in the belief that it will help to ward off hostile aliens.
He has also set up a series of spotlights that he routinely turns on and shines across the street.

Following complaints from neighbors a judge has ordered Brown to pay $500 a day because his unusual setup is in violation of city zoning ordinances.

To date however he has failed to comply and now owes in excess of $20,000.

Source: Breit Bart | Comments (57)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #48 Posted by Thorvir Hrothgaard 10 years ago
One night someone needs to dress up as an alien and tell him the lights attracted them. Mothman? Hope this lunatic isn't armed.
Comment icon #49 Posted by regeneratia 10 years ago
This gentleman has mental health issues. However, that does not give him the right to be shining lights onto his neighbor's houses. As for wrapping his home in tin foil, probably not much anyone can do about that though. I wonder if this poor fellow has any family that could convince him to seek professional help? I think only a mental health expert can make this kind of judgement. AND that diagnosis would NOT be made merely on the merits of what is said in the article, since we all know that protocols and practices are far more complex than that, even in the mental health field. Tho lili, i t... [More]
Comment icon #50 Posted by regeneratia 10 years ago
i am the meme machine I am the meme-breaker machine. LOL. Always rethink what you are told and ask yourself, "does this seem like it could be truth?" We all have internal lie detectors. We just have to believe in them and to use them. There is a sure-fire way to know if something is truth or not.
Comment icon #51 Posted by psyche101 10 years ago
I think only a mental health expert can make this kind of judgement. AND that diagnosis would NOT be made merely on the merits of what is said in the article, since we all know that protocols and practices are far more complex than that, even in the mental health field. What other reasons for such behaviour are likely to exist?
Comment icon #52 Posted by Lilly 10 years ago
Honestly, wrapping your house in tin foil, shining spot lights into your neighbor's homes, telling people you think aliens are afoot....does it really take a PhD in psychology to figure out something is amiss with this gentleman? BTW, I didn't offer any specific diagnosis. I just said that something is mentally wrong with this poor fellow and he needs professional help...period.
Comment icon #53 Posted by psyche101 10 years ago
I am the meme-breaker machine. LOL. Always rethink what you are told and ask yourself, "does this seem like it could be truth?" We all have internal lie detectors. We just have to believe in them and to use them. There is a sure-fire way to know if something is truth or not. Yes, because Lie Detectors are so reliable that none are ever challenged, and nothing can go wrong and all results are 100% accurate........
Comment icon #54 Posted by Sir Wearer of Hats 10 years ago
What other reasons for such behaviour are likely to exist? Durr, aliens.
Comment icon #55 Posted by DieChecker 10 years ago
What other reasons for such behaviour are likely to exist? I wonder if Reg saw the video. The guy showed clear signs of mental issues in the video if you ask me.
Comment icon #56 Posted by psyche101 10 years ago
I wonder if Reg saw the video. The guy showed clear signs of mental issues in the video if you ask me. The reason I ask Reg is because she has often touted that she is a nurse and has qualifications. Then she says do not work for large corporation and she refuses to. Which seems to rather contradict the above, however, if she actually has the medical expertise claimed I was wondering if she felt this indicated another problem, and if she might be kind enough to outline whatever it is that she believes she sees when she evaluates this behaviour, to many of us I agree it looks like an outright m... [More]
Comment icon #57 Posted by DONTEATUS 10 years ago
Ck and see if this Guys not being sponsored by Reynolds Alum ?

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