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North America home to millions of 'coywolves'

By T.K. Randall
November 2, 2015 · Comment icon 42 comments

Coywolves are becoming a lot more common. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 L. David Mech et al.
A new wolf-coyote hybrid species is starting to take over and could already number in the millions.
There's something unusual roaming the wilds of Canada and the United States - a four-legged canine that is similar but in many ways superior to native wolf and coyote populations.

A cross-breed between wolves and either coyotes or domestic dogs, the aptly named 'coywolf' has come about due to the increasing lack of suitable mates for wolves in the wild.

Unlike their parents however these hybrid animals are more muscular, have bigger jaws and are generally larger - meaning that packs of them can take down much larger prey.
In recent years researchers believe that the number of coywolves in North America has increased substantially and that there could now be several million of them across the continent.

The northeast has seen the largest gowth in population of these animals and it is no longer unusual to find them wandering in to urban areas such as Boston, New York City, and Washington DC.

What will ultimately become of the native wolf and coyote populations however remains to be seen.

Source: Slashgear | Comments (42)

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Comment icon #33 Posted by Frank Merton 10 years ago
Yep. They'll kill all the chickens. I suppose I would be OK with it if they only killed what they ate. A dead Coyote is a good coyote. They are wild animals doing what wild animals do. They need respect and probably to be kept away from people, but I have to say dogs should not be allowed to run free either.
Comment icon #34 Posted by Myles 10 years ago
They are wild animals doing what wild animals do. They need respect and probably to be kept away from people, but I have to say dogs should not be allowed to run free either. That's the big part. They expand their territory very quickly. They are nothing but bad news where I live. They need to be dealt with.
Comment icon #35 Posted by Rawbone 10 years ago
I saw a Coywolf on my property in 2011. More thickly built than a wolf, and a little shorter. Beautiful animal.
Comment icon #36 Posted by Red_readerhockeycat_fishez 9 years ago
I think a type of bounty may need set up again. At least a program to lend cage trap out and have someone come and remove the captured animal. This would take allot of money to implement. I still have at least one (and I assume more) coyotes lurking around my house. I'd shoot it if I had the chance, but it's not like I carry my gun. I would rather have coyotes then too many deer.
Comment icon #37 Posted by Myles 9 years ago
I would rather have coyotes then too many deer. Are you speaking on behalf of drivers? I assume so. That makes sense. I'd rather have too many deer. The state takes care of this easily by granting more hunting tags. The problem is literally taken care of in a month. Coyotes is different because the meat is not good and the pelts are not worth anything.
Comment icon #38 Posted by Uncle Sam 9 years ago
You guys do realize this is natural evolution happening before our eyes. Coyotes and Wolfs are facing extinction do to being out gamed by the Coywolves who basically are new sub-set of species that would grow to be the dominate species. This is a good chance to document evolution in the wilds. These are not unnatural hybrids we often create, this is a genuine hybrid evolution that has really exploded in the past decade. It's is amazing to be honest.
Comment icon #39 Posted by Thorvir Hrothgaard 9 years ago
You guys do realize this is natural evolution happening before our eyes. Coyotes and Wolfs are facing extinction do to being out gamed by the Coywolves who basically are new sub-set of species that would grow to be the dominate species. This is a good chance to document evolution in the wilds. These are not unnatural hybrids we often create, this is a genuine hybrid evolution that has really exploded in the past decade. It's is amazing to be honest. Coyotes and wolves are not facing extinction in any capacity. Their conservation status is listed as "least concern".
Comment icon #40 Posted by Ellapennella 9 years ago
You guys do realize this is natural evolution happening before our eyes. Coyotes and Wolfs are facing extinction do to being out gamed by the Coywolves who basically are new sub-set of species that would grow to be the dominate species. This is a good chance to document evolution in the wilds. These are not unnatural hybrids we often create, this is a genuine hybrid evolution that has really exploded in the past decade. It's is amazing to be honest. That's interesting.The wolf in my shepherd shows itself in every way. I wouldn't think that the coywolf would over power the wolf though.
Comment icon #41 Posted by Uncle Sam 9 years ago
Coyotes and wolves are not facing extinction in any capacity. Their conservation status is listed as "least concern". In long term, they would, due to the niche has been filled by a more powerful predator aka coywolf. I am not currently at the moment, they are facing extinction, but they will if we allow coywolf populations to be left unchecked. They will out game wolves and coyotes as well phase them out due to interbreeding between the two species.
Comment icon #42 Posted by Thorvir Hrothgaard 9 years ago
In long term, they would, due to the niche has been filled by a more powerful predator aka coywolf. I am not currently at the moment, they are facing extinction, but they will if we allow coywolf populations to be left unchecked. They will out game wolves and coyotes as well phase them out due to interbreeding between the two species. That is speculation, but I can't disagree with it at the moment, and that also means we will have to admit that a coywolf is superior to a wolf and/or a coyote in their own niches, which I'm not ready to do yet either. We'll have to see what happens.

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