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Earth has huge stores of hidden groundwater

By T.K. Randall
November 17, 2015 · Comment icon 32 comments

Large amounts of water can be found beneath the Earth's surface. Image Credit: sxc.hu
There is enough water trapped beneath the ground to flood the entire world with over 590m of liquid.
As water shortages become increasingly problematic in many parts of the world, scientists have been delving deep underground to find out just how much there is locked away in the rocks.

According to the latest report there is a staggering 5.42 cubic miles of water trapped beneath the ground, but only around 6% of it is regularly cycled through the hydrological system.
The rest, which is located deep underground and takes millions of years to replenish, is far too salty - more so than even the oceans - and can also contain toxic elements such as arsenic and uranium.

"We're using our groundwater resources too fast - faster than they're being renewed," said Dr Tom Gleeson, a hydrogeologist at the University of Victoria. "Since we now know how much groundwater is being depleted and how much there is, we will be able to estimate how long until we run out."

The geographic distribution of modern groundwater is such that most of it can be found in tropical and mountainous regions while the older, deeper reserves are more prominent in arid regions.

Source: Mail Online | Comments (32)

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Comment icon #23 Posted by DieChecker 9 years ago
Are you sure? The article says "The total volume of groundwater hidden underground dwarfs all other water sources on the planet apart from the oceans themselves." if the Oceans contain 310 million cubic miles of water, then according to the article the amount of ground water should be less than 310 million cubic miles. Ancient ground water - 5.3 million cubic miles Modern ground water - 84,000 cubic miles Soil water - 3,840 cubic miles Rivers, lakes, wetlands - 24,000 cubic miles Total - 5.4 million cubic miles Oh yeah, I guess you are right. I misread the line where it says, "... except the o... [More]
Comment icon #24 Posted by Frank Merton 9 years ago
I would like you to repeat it 6 more times please. And a LOT of people disagree with you mr. all-knowing: http://news.national...00-boom-africa/ Africa is growing out of bounds, but it will turn. I resent the "all knowing" put-down. Are you interested in discussion or just insulting people?
Comment icon #25 Posted by Calibeliever 9 years ago
Africa is growing out of bounds, but it will turn. I resent the "all knowing" put-down. Are you interested in discussion or just insulting people? You don't consider "how many times do I have to repeat...." condescending? It was an off-hand put-down without any supporting facts attached and it's in direct opposition to any reputable literature I've browsed on the subject (though I'm admittedly no expert). Thus you are branded 'all-knowing' because you seem to have some intrinsic knowledge that the rest of us don't share. I flatly reject the assertion that Africa and Asia's populations are shri... [More]
Comment icon #26 Posted by DONTEATUS 9 years ago
Must be that New Math again ? justDONTEATUS
Comment icon #27 Posted by Saitung 9 years ago
Sorry, but desalination isn't viable for long term anything. The brine it leaves behind would only accelerate the already growing dead zones in our oceans. As (SO CALLED) intelligent human beings we are long past having to be mature stewards of our planet. Every equation we come up with seems to be a way to SUPPORT THE WASTE. Lake Mead, where the Hoover Dam is, is now forty years ahead of schedule with its water table. Las Vegas is a DESERT, A DESERT for crying out loud, and yet we act like its supposed to be wet. They are proposing a $2-$3 Billion dollar pipeline of water to keep Vegas, the n... [More]
Comment icon #28 Posted by Calibeliever 9 years ago
80% of water doesn't go to watering lawns. Looking at California about 75% goes to agriculture and industry. Less than 10% is for domestic use which includes all homes, hotels, lawns, etc.
Comment icon #29 Posted by Noteverythingisaconspiracy 9 years ago
Sorry, but desalination isn't viable for long term anything. The brine it leaves behind would only accelerate the already growing dead zones in our oceans. As (SO CALLED) intelligent human beings we are long past having to be mature stewards of our planet. Every equation we come up with seems to be a way to SUPPORT THE WASTE. Lake Mead, where the Hoover Dam is, is now forty years ahead of schedule with its water table. Las Vegas is a DESERT, A DESERT for crying out loud, and yet we act like its supposed to be wet. They are proposing a $2-$3 Billion dollar pipeline of water to keep Vegas, the n... [More]
Comment icon #30 Posted by White Unicorn 9 years ago
This reminds me of reading a book of Enoch that tells the tale of Noah when the waters of the deep ocean were released from beneath the earth and met with the waters falling from heavens. Interesting that we find the underground water is so huge. It's a great resource for drought if we don't pollute it like well water with fracking.
Comment icon #31 Posted by Calibeliever 9 years ago
Please don't sink so low that you bring facts into a discussion. Its much better to throw some alarmist figures to support your case. You have been here long enough to know that. My bad, sorry.
Comment icon #32 Posted by Noteverythingisaconspiracy 9 years ago
My bad, sorry. You get off with a warning this time. Just don't let it happen again.

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