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Space & Astronomy

Further evidence of Planet Nine discovered

By T.K. Randall
March 29, 2016 · Comment icon 56 comments

Could there really be a Neptune-sized world in the outer solar system ? Image Credit: NASA
The case for a hidden gas giant in the outer solar system continues to go from strength to strength.
Believed to be up to ten times the mass of the Earth and with an orbital period of up to 20,000 years, this enigmatic world has been the subject of intense debate ever since researchers at the California Institute of Technology first revealed that its existence might actually be a very real possibility.

Back in January, planetary scientists Mike Brown and Konstantin Batygin created a mathematical model indicating that a Neptune-sized object in the outer solar system could be influencing the movements of six smaller Kuiper Belt objects which appeared to be behaving rather oddly.

"We saw a strange signal in the data that meant something odd was going on in the outer Solar System," said Brown. "All of these distant objects were lined up in a weird way and that shouldn't happen. We worked through the mundane explanations, but none of them worked out."
Now following further observations using the Canada France Hawaii Telescope, the researchers have revealed that a seventh object has been found which also conforms to their new model.

The discovery adds further weight to the idea that Planet Nine really is out there and that it will only be a matter of time before astronomers are able to observe it directly.

If they do it will be one of the biggest astronomical discoveries ever made.

Source: Science Alert | Comments (56)

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Comment icon #47 Posted by Emma_Acid 9 years ago
The orbit of this planet is showing to be between mars and Jupiter. Please provide a source for this This explains also the odd geographic differences between mars two hemispheres as well the loss of its atmosphere. Please provide a source for this Every time the planet comes around there are massive cataclysms on earth, floods , quakes, etc... Please provide a source for this
Comment icon #48 Posted by badeskov 9 years ago
Please provide a source for this Please provide a source for this Please provide a source for this You are surely jesting. Under normal circumstances I'd hit the pub for a brew while waiting for an answer, but given past experience I'd probably pass away from old age (which would be days away given the number of pints I'd have to consume to keep my seat at the bar)... Cheers, Badeskov
Comment icon #49 Posted by shadowsot 9 years ago
I dunno, enough beers could pickle you, preserve you for a bit.
Comment icon #50 Posted by Emma_Acid 9 years ago
You are surely jesting. Under normal circumstances I'd hit the pub for a brew while waiting for an answer, but given past experience I'd probably pass away from old age (which would be days away given the number of pints I'd have to consume to keep my seat at the bar)... Cheers, Badeskov I'll see you by the bar!
Comment icon #51 Posted by Eluus 9 years ago
I have previously argued that the name Ix* will be appropriate for the ninth planet. *fact that it is also the nickname of Ford Prefect in "the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" is just a bonus. Ix is also the name of a planet in the "Dune" series Ix is the ninth planet in the star system Alkalurops, and ruled by the Ixian Technocracy.
Comment icon #52 Posted by danielost 9 years ago
if we go by the babalonions, it is the size of earth, populated, and has a cometary type orbit.
Comment icon #53 Posted by toast 9 years ago
And the pic you posted is formed by how many pictures put together , edited, and photoshopped ? The so called mosaic method is a common method in photography, so in astronomical photography as well. If you call this method a kind of adulteration, then your accusation is based on ignorance. And yes, the image in discussion is a composite of a number of single frames and it has been processed but maybe you didnt read the image deion: The colors are adjusted so that rocks look approximately as they would if they were on Earth, to help geologists interpret the rocks. This "white balancing" to adju... [More]
Comment icon #54 Posted by Noteverythingisaconspiracy 9 years ago
Ix is also the name of a planet in the "Dune" series God dammit Eluus. Here I thought that I was being original in my idea to name the planet Ix, only to find that someone else had already done it. if we go by the babalonions, it is the size of earth, populated, and has a cometary type orbit. I look forwards to see any evidence, from reliable sources, for that claim ?
Comment icon #55 Posted by Noteverythingisaconspiracy 9 years ago
You are surely jesting. Under normal circumstances I'd hit the pub for a brew while waiting for an answer, but given past experience I'd probably pass away from old age (which would be days away given the number of pints I'd have to consume to keep my seat at the bar)... Cheers, Badeskov I had no idea that you went to pubs.
Comment icon #56 Posted by badeskov 9 years ago
I had no idea that you went to pubs. Now, who would have thunk it, eh? Cheers, Badeskov

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