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The UFO Phenomenon

Former USAF aircraft mechanic films two UFOs

By T.K. Randall
April 3, 2016 · Comment icon 42 comments

The witness was perplexed by what he had seen. Image Credit: CC BY 2.0 Jason Rogers
A man with over 30 years of aviation experience has recorded footage of two unknown objects over Ohio.
According to a recent MUFON report, the witness - who has remained anonymous - had been standing outside his home smoking a cigarette back in November 2015 when he noticed two spinning, diamond-shaped UFOs hovering above the houses.

In the report he described how the objects had moved together up in to the air before flying off in formation towards the southeast. While the footage he recorded doesn't show the UFOs in much detail, it is possible to see their movements relative to one another in the sky.

"They appeared to be a spinning gem shape, with no sound," he wrote. "Both were spinning in unison, and appeared to be flying in formation. Recon definitely came to mind."
The witness, who claims to have several decades of experience working with the US Air Force, maintains that the objects were unlike anything he had ever seen during his career.

"You will note towards the end, as tree branches become visible, the lead craft disappears, the second one travels a little further, then disappears as well," he added.

"One thing I noted, was the spinning in unison. I do not have the means to enhance video, and would love to see what you can bring out in the video. "

Source: Inquisitr | Comments (42)

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Comment icon #33 Posted by Earl.Of.Trumps 9 years ago
I'm not so sure that the number of reports has increased. The higher number just could be a reflection of better reporting mechanisms, the internet, which allows people to speak more freely about them etc.
Comment icon #34 Posted by Calibeliever 9 years ago
Canadian 'UFO sightings' nearly broke a record in 2015 http://www.businessi...-in-2015-2016-4 I got a call from a friend a few weeks ago who live 2 hours north of Toronto. His wife got up in the middle of the night and said she saw a UFO about 1000 feet away out her front room window. She stood there paralyzed for a time until it moved away. She said she was too scared to move for several minutes before she finally went in and woke him up. Being a skeptic, it's hard for me to take stories at face value. We've been friends for over 20 year and neither of them are prone to fantasy, they are midd... [More]
Comment icon #35 Posted by Sweetpumper 9 years ago
No, they aren't.
Comment icon #36 Posted by TheMustardLady 9 years ago
You'd think he'd be able to know a flare when he saw one, having military experience and all, Air Force at that. That is, if he is legit military. Hell, I was only in tje reserves a few years and I can spot a flare. With these, video is too poor to tell for certain but certainly loks like possible flares. I dunno. My husband was just that, an Air Force aircraft mechanic, and he would have passed this off as usual stuff. Now, I'm one to be very curious of this, since I have seen things in the skies, that I don't see any explanations of yet, ( there could still be, but at the moment anyways...) ... [More]
Comment icon #37 Posted by Nuclear Wessel 9 years ago
Why is their profession relevant, exactly?
Comment icon #38 Posted by S2F 9 years ago
Why is their profession relevant, exactly? From what I understand the gist is that an aircraft mechanic would be able to identify common aircraft so if it was something he couldn't identify then it must be something unusual, which is not necessarily true. UFO proponents usually take that a step farther with the false dichotomy that if it can't be identified by an 'authority' on the subject then it must be an alien craft or at the very least a high probability that it is. It is the usual mish mash of the appeal to authority and false dichotomy fallacies.
Comment icon #39 Posted by TheMustardLady 9 years ago
From what I understand the gist is that an aircraft mechanic would be able to identify common aircraft so if it was something he couldn't identify then it must be something unusual, which is not necessarily true. UFO proponents usually take that a step farther with the false dichotomy that if it can't be identified by an 'authority' on the subject then it must be an alien craft or at the very least a high probability that it is. It is the usual mish mash of the appeal to authority and false dichotomy fallacies. In which makes sense. But I would be interested in if they are indeed aircraft mech... [More]
Comment icon #40 Posted by Calibeliever 9 years ago
From what I understand the gist is that an aircraft mechanic would be able to identify common aircraft so if it was something he couldn't identify then it must be something unusual, which is not necessarily true. UFO proponents usually take that a step farther with the false dichotomy that if it can't be identified by an 'authority' on the subject then it must be an alien craft or at the very least a high probability that it is. It is the usual mish mash of the appeal to authority and false dichotomy fallacies. Exactly. I would give his opinion of what an aircraft is or isn't more weight than ... [More]
Comment icon #41 Posted by CJ1983 9 years ago
one of the worst "UFO" vids I've seen
Comment icon #42 Posted by Chortle 9 years ago
There are good videos? I always assumed you had to be suffering from chronic withdrawal and blind to video something paranormal to ensure you get the shaking, terrible camera work and poor focus just right. Withering scorn aside...This is actually a terrible video.

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