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Modern Mysteries

Canadian military investigates strange sounds

By T.K. Randall
November 4, 2016 · Comment icon 54 comments

The sun setting over the Inuit hamlet of Igloolik. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 Nunaview
A surveillance plane has been looking in to reports of a 'pinging' sound in the Fury and Hecla Strait.
The mysterious sound, which has also been described as a 'hum' or 'beep', was reported throughout the summer by residents of Igloolik - an island hamlet in northern Canada.

Local hunters have also reported a worrying reduction in marine wildlife over the last few months.

Citing 'allegations of unusual sounds emanating from the seabed', the Canadian Armed Forces recently dispatched a CP-140 Aurora aircraft in an effort to get to the bottom of the mystery.

"The air crew performed various multi-sensor searches in the area, including an acoustic search for 1.5 hours, without detecting any acoustic anomalies," the Department of National Defence wrote.
"The crew did not detect any surface or subsurface contacts. The crew did observe two pods of whales and six walruses in the area of interest."

Oddly enough, after the investigation took place the mysterious sound seemed to suddenly stop.

"We want to thank the Department of National Defence for doing an investigation right away," said local representative Paul Quassa.

"I know that they will keep investigating this and they will be kept informed by the hunters as well. I encourage hunters to keep telling the Department of National Defence what they hear."

Source: | Comments (54)

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Comment icon #45 Posted by Captain Risky 8 years ago
Claire, this is your original post. You seemed to have boxed in 3 culprits. The military, corporations or activists (GreenPeace). You reinforced this with the comical notion that Greenland could be up to something.  Then you proceed to say that someones lying. 'Or that they haven't pointed their fingers in the right direction.' Not sure what that means. Does that mean that it could be anything other than the beeping causing the wildlife to leave? You covered all bases other than the more probable. That being that it could just be something that fell off a ship or plane accidentally that has ... [More]
Comment icon #46 Posted by Claire. 8 years ago
I've not boxed anyone in. Have you read the source article? It should be obvious that my post was a commentary on the theories presented therein. All have denied involvement, so either someone is lying or those coming up with the various theories are off the mark (which is what was meant by not pointing fingers in the right direction). As for the more probable cause being something that fell off a ship or plane, I don't see how that could be any more probable than any of the other possibilities. But yes, time will indeed tell.
Comment icon #47 Posted by Captain Risky 8 years ago
Of course i read it. Are you surprised?  Just saying that you're making more claims ( pointing fingers ), than are necessary at this point in time. 
Comment icon #48 Posted by Claire. 8 years ago
As are you.
Comment icon #49 Posted by Captain Risky 8 years ago
I can't see how since I'm the only one so far that has counselled against wild assumptions.
Comment icon #50 Posted by Claire. 8 years ago
Aside from making some wild assumptions about my original post, you advanced a couple of your own assumptions regarding the source of the ping  — specifically, something falling off a ship or plane, or some random beacon or sonar buoy. You also took it a step further and suggested that those theories were more probable than most of the others presented. They're not. So if you indeed want to counsel against some wild assumptions, I suggest you focus on those blaming aliens, rather than taking issue with more plausible theories.
Comment icon #51 Posted by Captain Risky 8 years ago
So why are you bringing up aliens now? The list just grows and grows. Okay i know you're joking. But where do the jokes end? I can see how you came about calling my assumption out. BUT unlike your's mine isn't wild and its the only one i propagate while you have many. The effort required to stage a military/corporate/environmental operation to deny the subsistence hunters and gatherers of the region their traditional hunting and fishing privileges would require an infinite amount of effort and planing for little reward that makes believing it over a simple explanation such as a sonar bouyÂ... [More]
Comment icon #52 Posted by Claire. 8 years ago
For the last time, I've not made any assumptions or presented any theories, aside from a comment about the possibility that one of the theories presented in the source article could be true or that all were off the mark. Nowhere did I or anyone else suggest a staged military/corporate/environmental operation. I will not be replying to any more of your posts, because in spite of several attempts to clarify my statements, you continue to take them out of context so that you have something with which to pick a fight. Game over.
Comment icon #53 Posted by Still Waters 8 years ago
Ahem, getting back on topic. Here's an update -  
Comment icon #54 Posted by markdohle 8 years ago
Nah, if you watch old Japanese movies it a hatchling fighting to come out of its shell.  The ping is its forlorn call for his mother   Does anyone see any camera crews there? 

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