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Molten iron 'jet stream' found in Earth's core

By T.K. Randall
December 21, 2016 · Comment icon 6 comments

There is still much we don't know about the center of the Earth. Image Credit: NASA
Scientists have discovered a flow of liquid iron in the planet's core 3000km beneath the surface.
The remarkable discovery was made using Europe's Swarm satellites - a trio of orbiting spacecraft capable of obtaining high-resolution measurements of the planet's magnetic field.

Flowing westwards deep beneath Alaska and Siberia, this subterranean flow of liquid iron has been likened to the jet stream - a high-altitude belt of hot air that planes use to travel more quickly.

It is however much slower - moving at a relative snail's pace of only 50km per year.
"That might not sound like a lot to you on Earth's surface, but you have to remember this a very dense liquid metal and it takes a huge amount of energy to move this thing around and that's probably the fastest motion we have anywhere within the solid Earth," said Dr Chris Finlay.

Scientists believe that the stream was created due to its proximity to two core boundary regions.

"Of course, you need a force to move fluid towards the tangent cylinder," said study co-author Professor Rainer Hollerbach. "This could be provided by buoyancy, or perhaps more likely from changes in the magnetic field within the core."

Source: Independent | Comments (6)

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Comment icon #1 Posted by paperdyer 8 years ago
Very interesting seeder.  Per the article in the Daily Mail, this "jet stream" of molten iron affects numerous aspects of Earth's physiology, including weather patterns.  The field has also been weakening by 15% in the past 200 years.  Perhaps this is the real cause of climate change.
Comment icon #2 Posted by Essan 8 years ago
The Earths magnetic field (not this newly discovered "jet stream") has declined over the past 200 years, but its unlikely this is the cause of increased atmospheric CO2, atmospheric pollution or mass deforestation  
Comment icon #3 Posted by IamthemanfromNantucket 8 years ago
Kind of debunks the "Hollow Earth Theory" doesn't it.
Comment icon #4 Posted by Badfish312 8 years ago
Comment icon #5 Posted by Socks Junior 8 years ago
Cool article. Looks like this could be a nice specific explanation for westward drift, as they say. A quote from one of the authors is interesting. Specifically. It's a rather chicken and egg situation, isn't it? Movement in the outer core generates the geodynamo - but then the geodynamo governs movement in the outer core. It fits well with the "self-exciting dynamo" aspect of the core that's been hypothesized. However, the force necessary to move a 420 km jet of molten iron seems well above the magnetic forces generated by the core. 10s of microteslas at the surface...stronger below...but ... [More]
Comment icon #6 Posted by pallidin 8 years ago
I just hope someone doesn't try to do something weird, like running a core pipe 2000 miles beneath. The potential destruction would be, uh, bad. Thankfully, it's so very far down.

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