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Did the Exodus really happen ?

By T.K. Randall
April 13, 2011 · Comment icon 32 comments

Image Credit: Andrea Previtali
Did Moses really lead the Israelites out of Egypt and were there really ten plagues ?
One religious author has provided textual proof that the Israelites' Exodus from Egypt did indeed happen. In a papyrus titled 'The Admonitions of an Egyptian', a man named Ipuwer writes of many events that parrallel what is written in the bible.
This question has puzzled biblical scholars, archeologists and all those interested in solving one of the Old Testament's most intriguing mysteries. Was the story of the Israelites fleeing Egypt after years of slavery history or myth?

Source: Huffington Post | Comments (32)

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Comment icon #23 Posted by danielost 14 years ago
This is true. The controversy, however, is that there seems to be no trace of them in Egypt prior to the Exodus. yes there is. they have found stables for the number of horses that the eytptians sent after them. up until they found the stables, they thought that the egytians couldnt have had that many horses. they supposedly have also found the location where they crossed the red sea, by biblical diion. but it isnt across the main body of the sea but the arm that seperates sudan from arabia.
Comment icon #24 Posted by mklsgl 14 years ago
a group of people living in tents. even tbeir temple was a tent. so no there wouldnt be any buildings left for archeologists. hey daniel... there is Midrash which states that one tribe was appointed to 'clean up' so as not to leave a trail and be followed.
Comment icon #25 Posted by danielost 14 years ago
hey daniel... there is Midrash which states that one tribe was appointed to 'clean up' so as not to leave a trail and be followed. ok, what were they cleaning up sheep dung. or maybe they were recycling anything that broke. again if your mobile it is hard to mine.
Comment icon #26 Posted by mklsgl 14 years ago
ok, what were they cleaning up sheep dung. or maybe they were recycling anything that broke. again if your mobile it is hard to mine. from the Rabbi Wolpe link, here is page 1: Three years ago on Passover, I explained to my congregation that according to archeologists, there was no reliable evidence that the Exodus took place--and that it almost certainly did not take place the way the Bible recounts it. Finally, I emphasized: It didn't matter. Some argue that there is no evidence to back my assertion. Endlessly reiterated is the mantra "absence of evidence does not mean evidence of absence." ... [More]
Comment icon #27 Posted by Leonardo 14 years ago
This is nominally true. We have found Sinai evidence of other people who predated the Israelites, and while it is improbable that 600,000 men crossed the desert 2,500 years ago without leaving a shard of pottery or a Hebrew carving, it is not impossible. Consider this: The average walking speed of humans is ~5km/h. If we assume a column of people 20 wide, with an average gap of 1 metre between rows, and there were 2 million people in the exodus (600,000 men, plus women and children) then this column stretches 100,000 m in length. That is 100 km. The biblical account states that this column cro... [More]
Comment icon #28 Posted by mklsgl 14 years ago
Consider this: The average walking speed of humans is ~5km/h. If we assume a column of people 20 wide, with an average gap of 1 metre between rows, and there were 2 million people in the exodus (600,000 men, plus women and children) then this column stretches 100,000 m in length. That is 100 km. The biblical account states that this column crossed the parted Red Sea in one night, but it would take 20 hours for the back of the column to reach where the front had been, and that doesn't take into account the length of the crossing, which was long enough to contain at least a part of the column an... [More]
Comment icon #29 Posted by danielost 14 years ago
Consider this: The average walking speed of humans is ~5km/h. If we assume a column of people 20 wide, with an average gap of 1 metre between rows, and there were 2 million people in the exodus (600,000 men, plus women and children) then this column stretches 100,000 m in length. That is 100 km. The biblical account states that this column crossed the parted Red Sea in one night, but it would take 20 hours for the back of the column to reach where the front had been, and that doesn't take into account the length of the crossing, which was long enough to contain at least a part of the column an... [More]
Comment icon #30 Posted by Mr Walker 14 years ago
Consider this: The average walking speed of humans is ~5km/h. If we assume a column of people 20 wide, with an average gap of 1 metre between rows, and there were 2 million people in the exodus (600,000 men, plus women and children) then this column stretches 100,000 m in length. That is 100 km. The biblical account states that this column crossed the parted Red Sea in one night, but it would take 20 hours for the back of the column to reach where the front had been, and that doesn't take into account the length of the crossing, which was long enough to contain at least a part of the column an... [More]
Comment icon #31 Posted by Makazradon 14 years ago
It blows my mind that in the 21st Century, there are still those among us who consider the act of channeling the creator of the universe to cause a body of water to split in half, long enough so that it could be crossed as a plausible point of reasonable discourse. Oh well.
Comment icon #32 Posted by bug101687 14 years ago
it possible they brought they entire culture with them. it like walking village. so can survive very long time out there. there dry land specialist . know water would be at

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