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Russia could join US in manned Mars mission

By T.K. Randall
May 10, 2012 · Comment icon 16 comments

Image Credit: NASA
Co-operation between space agencies could one day make the idea of a manned mission to Mars a reality.
Deputy Russian space agency head Sergey Saveliev has spoken out at the UN about a potential alliance between Russia and the United States aimed at sending humans to Mars. Saveliev emphasised that only through co-operation could such a feat be made possible.

"I have to say that currently there is no country that could organize a manned spaceflight to Mars and a safe return," he said. "We strongly believe that this project can be accomplished only through international cooperation."

NASA head Charles Bolden has also endorsed the idea. "We are absolutely trying to partner with everybody to go - anyone who wants to participate," he said.
Russia would be willing to be a partner with the United States on a manned mission to Mars, a Russian space official said at the United Nations.

Source: Mars Daily | Comments (16)

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Comment icon #7 Posted by Waspie_Dwarf 13 years ago
Makes sense and cost effective. Prolong it any more and the Chinese will get there first. Why does everyone overestimate the Chinese abilities this much? They don't yet have a launcher capable of launching something the size of a Russian ISS module, and won't have until around 2020, let alone a manned spacecraft to Mars. They have only flown 3 manned missions since the first in 2005 and none since September 2008. Although they have sent 2 unmanned probes to orbit the moon they have not yet attempted a lander and they have yet to send an unmanned probe to another planet. The Chinese haven't eve... [More]
Comment icon #8 Posted by reggie2011 13 years ago
blah blah blah less talk more action weve had nothing but 50 years of talk
Comment icon #9 Posted by Hilander 13 years ago
That would be interesting if it actually happens.
Comment icon #10 Posted by DONTEATUS 13 years ago
Well its a start ! Im all In ,In my life time too Hazzard ! We really need to boost our collective efforts on all Space exploration !
Comment icon #11 Posted by skookum 13 years ago
Why does everyone overestimate the Chinese abilities this much? They don't yet have a launcher capable of launching something the size of a Russian ISS module, and won't have until around 2020, let alone a manned spacecraft to Mars. They have only flown 3 manned missions since the first in 2005 and none since September 2008. Although they have sent 2 unmanned probes to orbit the moon they have not yet attempted a lander and they have yet to send an unmanned probe to another planet. The Chinese haven't even reached the starting blocks of this space race. Bit like during the cold war that everyo... [More]
Comment icon #12 Posted by Waspie_Dwarf 13 years ago
Bit like during the cold war that everyone thought that Russia was so much more advanced. Turn out they were quite basic and years behind. Well yes and no. At times it during the Cold War it was worth exaggerating the Soviet capabilities (you tended to get your budget approved that way) and certainly in some areas (like electronics) they lagged behind the US, but they were very good at making do with what they had. After the space race was won the reverse became true and it became more fashionable to down play their capabilities. The truth lies somewhere in between. The reasons the USSR lost t... [More]
Comment icon #13 Posted by OverSword 13 years ago
Why does everyone overestimate the Chinese abilities this much? Because Americans are made to feel that China is the next boogie man, taking the place of Russia. Back on topic; I wonder if the centrifuge style ships featured in 2010 a second odyssey will be designed to minimize the negative effects of zero G?
Comment icon #14 Posted by shaddow134 13 years ago
blah blah blah less talk more action weve had nothing but 50 years of talk I agree reggie,there is so much hot air blowing through the worlds space agencies,i seriously doubt wether man will set foot on mars in the next century at this rate.
Comment icon #15 Posted by DONTEATUS 13 years ago
We shall go to the Stars someday ! Its the Someday thats the question !
Comment icon #16 Posted by pallidin 13 years ago
In my mind, the physical logistics and costs of a manned surface mission to Mars is beyond comparison to even 20 Iraqi wars. For example, I would assume a 3-5 crew. The food and water alone for a 2 year( or however many months) round trip journey would be enormous. Even more, getting the astronauts(probably just 2) back off of Mars and into Mars orbit to couple with the orbiting return ship would require a substantial launch capability. It's not like they're launching off the moon. What, are we going to drag along a 700 thousand ton re-launch facility/rocket on our way to Mars? Anyway, just my... [More]

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