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What is the world's worst insect sting ?

By T.K. Randall
May 26, 2012 · Comment icon 70 comments

Image Credit: CC 2.1 Kenpei
Justin Schmidt has spent his life being stung by insects on purpose in order to find the answer.
The University of Arizona entomologist has developed the Schmidt Sting Pain Index in which he ranks the world's worst insect stings along with a rating of 1 to 4 and a description of what they feel like. Schmidt's top 10 worst stings includes such horrors as the bald-faced hornet ( described as "similar to getting your hand mashed in a revolving door" ) and the yellowjacket wasp ( described as like "extinguishing a cigar on your tongue". )

The very worst insect sting however is the infamous bullet ant with a sting so painful that is like "fire-walking over flaming charcoal with a 3-inch rusty nail grinding into your heel."
Most of us will have felt the pain of a bee sting. Luckily most of us will have avoided the dreaded pain of a tarantula hawk or a fire ant. Justin Schmidt felt all three of these - and 147 other horrible, burning sensations - after a dedicated life-long career devoted to insects.

Source: Daily Mail | Comments (70)

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Comment icon #61 Posted by The Unseen 13 years ago
I never heard of a Cicada Killer before, so I Googled it. My god what a beast, very scary and angry looking insect. Actually they are among the most frendliest insect wasp there is,If you are carefull just before they crawl into there hole in the ground and if you move slow enough you can pet them with your finger but mess with them the wrong way and zap! They are mostly found by rivers or creeks where the banks have soft sand and mud also like their name says:Cicada Killer they feed mostly on cicada's,they sting the cicada with their poison stinger and take them back to their holes they have ... [More]
Comment icon #62 Posted by QuiteContrary 13 years ago
dside, very cool thanks Was video from an Arachnocon (sp?). I'm a bit of a very amateur arthropod freek. Love collecting and drawing and studying them. Then let them go.
Comment icon #63 Posted by QuiteContrary 13 years ago
Actually they are among the most frendliest insect wasp there is,If you are carefull just before they crawl into there hole in the ground and if you move slow enough you can pet them with your finger but mess with them the wrong way and zap! They are mostly found by rivers or creeks where the banks have soft sand and mud also like their name says:Cicada Killer they feed mostly on cicada's,they sting the cicada with their poison stinger and take them back to their holes they have dug and carry the cicada down into it and lay eggs on it,and when the eggs hatch they eat the cicada and when mature... [More]
Comment icon #64 Posted by The Unseen 13 years ago
If anyone wants too I can show you where they are,If you live anywhere in the Dallas area I will be more than happy to show anyone where and how to catch them.Just saying.
Comment icon #65 Posted by The Unseen 13 years ago
I got to watch one struggling on a picnic table one day to pick up its cicada. It kept dropping it. Bit heavier than she figured I guess. But she finally got airborne took a slight dip as she left the table and off she went. Love that kind of stuff. Incredable arnt they.Have you ever seen one on the hunt? Kinda gives me the willies and brings back memories of my service in the millitary: They are like an Apachey Heliocopter geting ready to fire hellfire missles on the enemy.they are big and you can hear them when they are on the hunt,YIKES.
Comment icon #66 Posted by dside 13 years ago
dside, very cool thanks Was video from an Arachnocon (sp?). I'm a bit of a very amateur arthropod freek. Love collecting and drawing and studying them. Then let them go. You're welcome, btw, do you see these scorpions any where in the vicinity where you live? They should be easy pickings at night. The pregnant females are easy to identify for their swollen abdomens and if you look very closely at the pleural membrane with a gravid female one will be able to see the white oval shaped embryos through the transluscent pleural membrane. Here is the pleural membrane of gravid scorpion (do you see t... [More]
Comment icon #67 Posted by QuiteContrary 13 years ago
Incredable arnt they.Have you ever seen one on the hunt? Not yet, but I keep my eyes open all the time!
Comment icon #68 Posted by QuiteContrary 13 years ago
dside, yes! I see them. They are very common here (texas) but I've yet to find one, but I haven't looked at night with black light. Will do that for sure. I've seen birds here get some large arthropod out of our tree, it's good size and fast and the birds grab it and slam it down to kill it and eat it. Don't know if birds mess with scorpions or not.
Comment icon #69 Posted by dside 13 years ago
dside, yes! I see them. They are very common here (texas) but I've yet to find one, but I haven't looked at night with black light. Will do that for sure. I've seen birds here get some large arthropod out of our tree, it's good size and fast and the birds grab it and slam it down to kill it and eat it. Don't know if birds mess with scorpions or not. Some birds do prey on scorpions. During the day, they will be in colonies under the bark or in holes. They are communal and live in groups of varying number. They rarely cannabilize each other even smaller younger scorplings are relatively safe fro... [More]
Comment icon #70 Posted by UFO_Monster 13 years ago
I've been stung several times over the last few months by sweat bees. They aren't too bad. But I wouldn't want to taste the wrath of the other critters on this list.

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