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Dmitry Itskov plans immortality by 2045

By T.K. Randall
July 30, 2012 · Comment icon 25 comments

Image Credit: flaivoloka /
The Russian mogul has set in motion a plan to achieve cybernetic immortality within 33 years.
Known as the '2045 initiative', Itskov and his team have laid out an ambitious time line that would see them transplant a brain in to an artificial body by 2020, the creation of an artificial brain by 2030 and the creation of a holographic body by 2040. The project's ultimate goal, tentatively scheduled for 2045, would be to transfer a human mind in to a holographic body.

Itskov recently wrote an open letter to several of the world's billionaires inviting them to finance what would essentially lead to their own immortality and offering to coordinate their own personal immortality projects for free.
A Russian mogul wants to achieve cybernetic immortality for humans within the next 33 years. He's pulled together a team intent on creating fully functional holographic human avatars that house our artificial brains. Now he's asking billionaires to help fund the advancements needed along the way.

Source: Discovery News | Comments (25)

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Comment icon #16 Posted by Spid3rCyd3 13 years ago
what is mankind's obsession with immortality? i don't think i will ever understand why anyone would want to live on this planet forever. If you could live forever, you probably wouldn't have to. That's a lot of time to learn and innovate.
Comment icon #17 Posted by Spid3rCyd3 13 years ago
actually death IS an eternity without feeling so tat means being immortal would just be like dying If death is just non existence, at least we wouldn't be aware of it. If it's Heaven, ok, cool, Hell, thanks.
Comment icon #18 Posted by Junior Chubb 13 years ago
Right, I actually got round to reading the article. What a load of tosh. I believe we could create a holographic avatar that is controlled directly by our brains (one day in the future, sorry not to give as precise a date as the article). But housing a brain to continue life indefinately? What about the deterioration of the human brain, have these people ever been to a retirement home? The world would be full of holograms that popped out to the shops, forgot where they lived and are roaming around for eternity trying to get home. If the problems of ageing on the brain can be solved, surely the... [More]
Comment icon #19 Posted by Spid3rCyd3 13 years ago
A hologram to use for partying might be fun though... Yeah, interesting sceen or two in the Schwarzenegger movie, "The 6th Day".
Comment icon #20 Posted by Junior Chubb 13 years ago
Yeah, interesting sceen or two in the Schwarzenegger movie, "The 6th Day". Lol, took a minute but I remember the scene. Funny you should mention 6th Day, doesn't it deal with immortality with clones? Would't a brain and heart transplant into a cloned body be more feasible than Itskov's hologram idea? (Well as feasible as discussions on immortality allow )
Comment icon #21 Posted by Daneel 13 years ago
Looks like Mr Ray Kurzweil finally found somebody who not only believes him but is willing to put the money on the table.. there are so many things to discover in the universe that dying after a few years like we do is not only frustrating but plain unfair ..
Comment icon #22 Posted by Render 13 years ago
what is mankind's obsession with immortality? i don't think i will ever understand why anyone would want to live on this planet forever. that's one of the have enough time to go live on other planets by then.
Comment icon #23 Posted by TheGreatBeliever 13 years ago
I wonder if future technology could resurrect a frozen mummy like the incans...
Comment icon #24 Posted by Render 13 years ago
I wonder if future technology could resurrect a frozen mummy like the incans... i thought we were already well into the process of accomplishing that. Like those prehistoric proteins that were resurrected a couple of months ago. Or plants that have been "brought back". Or that bacteria they brought back. etc etc
Comment icon #25 Posted by TheGreatBeliever 13 years ago
Oh wow that would be so cool. Hope scientists would one day decide to wake them up from their sleep. Thanx for the links...

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