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Secret WWII 'tsunami bomb' project revealed

By T.K. Randall
January 3, 2013 · Comment icon 20 comments

Image Credit: Malene Thyssen
A secret project during World War II sought to develop a way to use tsunamis as a deadly weapon.
Known as 'Project Seal', the weapon would have been used to attack enemy cities by generating tsunamis on demand. Both New Zealand and the United States conducted underwater testing that suggested the concept was feasible. Ultimately however the idea was shelved indefinitely a few months before the first atomic bomb was dropped on Japan in 1945.

The plans for the weapon were discovered by New Zealand author and filmmaker Ray Waru. "I came across actually by chance a series of Project Seal reports that were made a long time after the war that were sitting on the desk of a man who was vetting military material," he said. "Over a period of several months they carried out almost 4,000 test explosions to kind of calibrate the size of the explosions, the number of explosions and the depth of the explosion in the water needed in order to create a tsunami effect."[!gad]Known as 'Project Seal', the weapon would have been used to attack enemy cities by generating tsunamis on demand. Both New Zealand and the United States conducted underwater testing that suggested the concept was feasible. Ultimately however the idea was shelved indefinitely a few months before the first atomic bomb was dropped on Japan in 1945.

The plans for the weapon were discovered by New Zealand author and filmmaker Ray Waru. "I came across actually by chance a series of Project Seal reports that were made a long time after the war that were sitting on the desk of a man who was vetting military material," he said. "Over a period of several months they carried out almost 4,000 test explosions to kind of calibrate the size of the explosions, the number of explosions and the depth of the explosion in the water needed in order to create a tsunami effect."
It's been revealed that the United States and New Zealand conducted secret tests in the 1940s of a 'tsunami bomb' designed to inundate coastal cities.

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Comment icon #11 Posted by Lord Vetinari 12 years ago
I thought tsunami's were caused by movement of the tectonic plates,surely if you try to affect them it could cause a disaster of unimaginable proportions. Let me know if i'm wrong Don't suppose it has to be, any underwater distrurbance would have the same effect. It's just a question of making a disturbance big enough.
Comment icon #12 Posted by pallidin 12 years ago
I thought tsunami's were caused by movement of the tectonic plates... You would be correct with respect to the Indonesian Tsunami. Very much correct. There are othe natural causes of a Tsunami: Such as a massive volcano eruption causing millions of tons of the volcano peripheral to break apart and suddenly crash into the ocean, as well as another known cause of a Tsunami created by massive glacial ice crashing into a bay of water. But yes, The Indonesian Tsunami causation was exactly as you described; tectonic plate shifting.
Comment icon #13 Posted by ashven 12 years ago
Cheers Pallidin
Comment icon #14 Posted by NiteMarcher 12 years ago
The Indonesian quake = natural disaster, but..and this is a "big butt" I do believe that the Japan tsunami could have been triggered by the placement of some type of bomb deep within the ocean, and possibly in an already fractured area of the ocean floor where trenches/ tectonic plates are known to be. We'll never know...or will we?
Comment icon #15 Posted by pallidin 12 years ago
The Indonesian quake = natural disaster, but..and this is a "big butt" I do believe that the Japan tsunami could have been triggered by the placement of some type of bomb deep within the ocean, and possibly in an already fractured area of the ocean floor where trenches/ tectonic plates are known to be. We'll never know...or will we? Who would have done that "bomb"? Makes no sense at all, in my mind. BTW, it takes many "bombs" spread-out over a very large area to cause that type of a tsunami. No nation, or rouge group, has claimed that effect nor intention. I'm sure they would have publicly exc... [More]
Comment icon #16 Posted by regeneratia 12 years ago
Yes, heard something like this last night. If there are weapons that can influence nature, no doubt they are being used today. Who would have done that "bomb"? Makes no sense at all, in my mind. BTW, it takes many "bombs" spread-out over a very large area to cause that type of a tsunami. No nation, or rouge group, has claimed that effect nor intention. I'm sure they would have publicly exclaimed it. Bush would have. The CIA most certainly would. It crosses my mind that Obama would. China would.
Comment icon #17 Posted by regeneratia 12 years ago
I wonder how would you dominate over Tibet with tsunami bomb? But if they have tech over 50 years ago you can imagine what they have now. Also idea of causing natural disaster to destroy enemy is , as we now see, old. So when now someone said that huricanne was caused by HAARP I would stop for second. In 2004, during Ramadan.
Comment icon #18 Posted by tipotep 12 years ago
It's a miracle they didn't drop the bomb on us after the " under arm " incident TiP.
Comment icon #19 Posted by MichaelW 12 years ago
It's a miracle they didn't drop the bomb on us after the " under arm " incident TiP. We're seeking revenge by colonising Queensland. That and Australian wildlife is punishment enough.
Comment icon #20 Posted by tipotep 12 years ago
We're seeking revenge by colonising Queensland. That and Australian wildlife is punishment enough. Now now we gave you the possums as a favour and this is how you repay us TiP.

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