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Phillip Tilley

Is the glass half empty ?

September 17, 2009 | Comment icon 7 comments
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“To tell the truth I lied about the truth, and if I had to do it over again I would and that’s the truth.” Lt. Col. Oliver North testifying before Congress. If the glass is half empty it means it is still on the way down to being empty. If the glass is half full it means it is on the way to being filled up. In reality there is no glass, it is plastic and fake like so many other things these days. Gold has become a gold card which is not gold at all, it is plastic that is gold colored.

For several months certain economists working for the Government have tried to convince the public that the recession has ended and we are on the rebound. That would mean the glass has stopped emptying and is being refilled faster than it is emptying. As evidence they say such things as, “Although unemployment rose, it rose at a slower rate, and the slowdown means we are on the rebound!”

No it does not! It means we are still on the way down but the speed of decent is slower. Or is it just another deception? The Government can say it did not lie, they were given bad data from the economists. The economists will say to tell the truth they lied about the truth and when they have to do it again they will and that is the truth. It is a fact fewer people are being laid off, but that is because there are fewer people working that can lose their jobs.

Here is an example. Let us say a certain company had 100 employees and laid off 20 of them. That is 20% of the workforce. Now they only have 80 employees. A month later they lay off 8 more employees. That is not 8%. Because they only have 80 employees now, laying off 8 of them is 10% of the current workforce. You can no longer use the 100 employees baseline because it is no longer current or valid.

The Government technically does not lie, they only misrepresent the facts, something lawyers are all too good at. I tried to run for public office in my local community but it turns out I am not qualified because I do not lie well enough to be a politician. I have been trying to improve my lying ability but honestly I am not very good at it.

The Government uses the Kansas City Shuffle. They get you looking right while they go left. Like any good magician we watch the distraction and miss the slight of hand that makes us believe something else, and let us face the truth, we all want to believe. I have found in economic matters it is better to use facts, not beliefs.

Another deception is that the housing market has turned around. As evidence the Government said mortgage applications were up by 3.4%. Applications were up, not actual sales. They put a little spin on it and word it in their favor.

That is like asking the pretty girl in high school if she wants to dance. You can always ask (or apply), but that does not mean they will say yes. One girl asked me if I liked to twist. I said yes. She held up her middle finger and said, “Well do the twist on this.” The spin you get may not be the spin you thought you would get. Of course the girls always danced with someone else, usually the guy with all the Federal Reserve Notes and the same goes with the mortgage applications. Some will be turned down and several months from now actual figures will show they miscalculated their estimates and the glass is still emptying out.

Next the Government turns our attention to Swine Flu. If they can draw your attention to a fake disease that will not happen you will not pay attention to the real issue which is still the economy stupid.

It reminds me of the time I got back from a hard day at work and took my boots off. My roommate said, “Dude, your feet smell.”

I said, “No, my nose smells, my feet stink!”
Stinky feet by any other name still stink and calling a Depression a deep-recession does not make it stink any less.

Is the glass half empty, is the glass half full, or is the glass plastic? We all want to remember a time when our cups runeth over like Mary Sue Magillacutty and her 44 DD bust. Wanting it to be the truth does not change the facts.

During the summer months unemployment traditionally goes down. To have it go up but at a slower rate is not a recovery. In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king. Wake up people, the money matrix has you.

Phillip Tilley is author of The Money Matrix of the New World Order and other articles.[!gad]“To tell the truth I lied about the truth, and if I had to do it over again I would and that’s the truth.” Lt. Col. Oliver North testifying before Congress. If the glass is half empty it means it is still on the way down to being empty. If the glass is half full it means it is on the way to being filled up. In reality there is no glass, it is plastic and fake like so many other things these days. Gold has become a gold card which is not gold at all, it is plastic that is gold colored.

For several months certain economists working for the Government have tried to convince the public that the recession has ended and we are on the rebound. That would mean the glass has stopped emptying and is being refilled faster than it is emptying. As evidence they say such things as, “Although unemployment rose, it rose at a slower rate, and the slowdown means we are on the rebound!”

No it does not! It means we are still on the way down but the speed of decent is slower. Or is it just another deception? The Government can say it did not lie, they were given bad data from the economists. The economists will say to tell the truth they lied about the truth and when they have to do it again they will and that is the truth. It is a fact fewer people are being laid off, but that is because there are fewer people working that can lose their jobs.

Here is an example. Let us say a certain company had 100 employees and laid off 20 of them. That is 20% of the workforce. Now they only have 80 employees. A month later they lay off 8 more employees. That is not 8%. Because they only have 80 employees now, laying off 8 of them is 10% of the current workforce. You can no longer use the 100 employees baseline because it is no longer current or valid.

The Government technically does not lie, they only misrepresent the facts, something lawyers are all too good at. I tried to run for public office in my local community but it turns out I am not qualified because I do not lie well enough to be a politician. I have been trying to improve my lying ability but honestly I am not very good at it.

The Government uses the Kansas City Shuffle. They get you looking right while they go left. Like any good magician we watch the distraction and miss the slight of hand that makes us believe something else, and let us face the truth, we all want to believe. I have found in economic matters it is better to use facts, not beliefs.

Another deception is that the housing market has turned around. As evidence the Government said mortgage applications were up by 3.4%. Applications were up, not actual sales. They put a little spin on it and word it in their favor.

That is like asking the pretty girl in high school if she wants to dance. You can always ask (or apply), but that does not mean they will say yes. One girl asked me if I liked to twist. I said yes. She held up her middle finger and said, “Well do the twist on this.” The spin you get may not be the spin you thought you would get. Of course the girls always danced with someone else, usually the guy with all the Federal Reserve Notes and the same goes with the mortgage applications. Some will be turned down and several months from now actual figures will show they miscalculated their estimates and the glass is still emptying out.

Next the Government turns our attention to Swine Flu. If they can draw your attention to a fake disease that will not happen you will not pay attention to the real issue which is still the economy stupid.

It reminds me of the time I got back from a hard day at work and took my boots off. My roommate said, “Dude, your feet smell.”

I said, “No, my nose smells, my feet stink!”
Stinky feet by any other name still stink and calling a Depression a deep-recession does not make it stink any less.

Is the glass half empty, is the glass half full, or is the glass plastic? We all want to remember a time when our cups runeth over like Mary Sue Magillacutty and her 44 DD bust. Wanting it to be the truth does not change the facts.

During the summer months unemployment traditionally goes down. To have it go up but at a slower rate is not a recovery. In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king. Wake up people, the money matrix has you.

Phillip Tilley is author of The Money Matrix of the New World Order and other articles. Comments (7)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by Lt_Ripley 16 years ago
well we've been going down hill since 2002 . concretely. and it slid unchecked for how long ? through signing statements and illegal war supplementals outside the budget. disregard for the constitution and flat out lying BS. did anyone think it was going to get better just with changing of the guard no matter who it was ? it was too late for that . Maybe in 04 it could have stopped the train , but ...........
Comment icon #2 Posted by marlindo 16 years ago
I may not agree with all of what he says, but I still may be convinced by him. Does that make sense? That's how good his rhetoric is.
Comment icon #3 Posted by Oen Anderson 16 years ago
Figures released today show that Montana was only one of eight states to add jobs in the month of August. 42 states and the District of Columbia all lost jobs in August. That means 84%of the U.S. lost jobs and 16% of the U.S. gained jobs. A third of the job gains were in government and attached to the stimulus funding. None of the job gains were in construction. If you work the math on that 16% gains against 84% loses looks like we take one step forward and five steps back. It doesn't look like the recession is over from where I stand. Just my opinion.
Comment icon #4 Posted by Cookes453 16 years ago
It's definitely not over. It took me a year to get work, and I haven't been able to find anything else. The economy still sucks. Though I'm glad I have some form of income.
Comment icon #5 Posted by danielost 16 years ago
well we've been going down hill since 2002 . concretely. and it slid unchecked for how long ? through signing statements and illegal war supplementals outside the budget. disregard for the constitution and flat out lying BS. did anyone think it was going to get better just with changing of the guard no matter who it was ? it was too late for that . Maybe in 04 it could have stopped the train , but ........... i like how you like to blame everything on bush. we have been going down hill for 40+ years. with 8 years off during reagon.
Comment icon #6 Posted by Paracelse 16 years ago
I do not see how this article is an "Unexplained Mystery". Since November 22 1963, US citizens have lost their freedom, their rights under the Constitution, and any good conspiracy theorist could prove that. Presidents forget orders they gave (Reagan who actually forgot for real), congress forgot to work for the people rather than work for their wallets, the list is too long for a single post. Get real.
Comment icon #7 Posted by Oen Anderson 16 years ago
Well, Tilley nailed it again. Unemploument has risen to 10.2% and he said we are still on the way down. The government said the recession is over, but I just don't see it.

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