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Phillip Tilley

For the greater good

April 29, 2011 | Comment icon 6 comments
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Whenever there is a cause where some great sacrifice must be made, usually by the people on the bottom of the totem pole, some person in charge of making someone else sacrifice says it is for the greater good. On the Star Trek series, Vulcans believed the good of the many outweighs the good of the few or the one. In other words the majority of society must benefit from the minorities loss. The case could be made that even though the invasion of Iraq turned up no weapons of mass destruction it was still for the greater good. Americans need inexpensive fuel for their automobiles and trucks and Iraq has oil and control of that oil is good for America and since there are more Americans than there are Iraqies it is for the greater good.

Really it was to keep Iraq from switching payment from petro-dollars to petro-euros for their oil that got Iraq invaded. Messing with the world reserve currency is against the greater good.

Communism is based on the greater good. The battle of the haves, those that have something of value, and the have-nots, those who have nothing, is brought to a halt. Those that have are expatriated from their goods which are distributed to the have-nots, which far outnumber the haves, all for the greater good.

In a capitalist society the people need the freedom to run their businesses without undo government interference so they can prosper. Since the people far outnumber the Government this is for the greater good. People can take care of themselves far better than even the best Government can.

Usually though when the greater good term is used it benefits the one or the few. There is no greater good than what their particular group wants. When the banks were failing the Government bailed them out with hundreds of billions, (truth be known trillions) of Federal Reserve Notes all for the greater good. What? Really? How is a few banks robbing the public at large for the greater good?

Now these banks that the public, (yes the tax dollars that bailed out the banks is your money) bailed out are foreclosing on the homes of the very people who rescued them.

What would have happened if the banks had of bailed? Let us see, the interest on the public debt that goes to these banks is financed by the Federal Income Tax. That is what the Grace Commission determined in 1984. No banks equals no national debt which equals no federal income tax is needed.

If you owed a bank for your mortgage, car payment, student loan or credit cards, no banks equals no mortgage, car, student loan or credit card payments. No foreclosures so no homeless families. No student loan debt. We would have all been instantly debt free. The shackles of the Federal Reserve would have been removed and we would truly be a free capitalist society unencumbered to prosper for the greater good.

We may yet get our chance as December 21, 2012 nears and the Federal Reserve System currently in use grinds to a collapse. For the greater good, wake up people, the money matrix has you.[!gad]Whenever there is a cause where some great sacrifice must be made, usually by the people on the bottom of the totem pole, some person in charge of making someone else sacrifice says it is for the greater good. On the Star Trek series, Vulcans believed the good of the many outweighs the good of the few or the one. In other words the majority of society must benefit from the minorities loss. The case could be made that even though the invasion of Iraq turned up no weapons of mass destruction it was still for the greater good. Americans need inexpensive fuel for their automobiles and trucks and Iraq has oil and control of that oil is good for America and since there are more Americans than there are Iraqies it is for the greater good.

Really it was to keep Iraq from switching payment from petro-dollars to petro-euros for their oil that got Iraq invaded. Messing with the world reserve currency is against the greater good.

Communism is based on the greater good. The battle of the haves, those that have something of value, and the have-nots, those who have nothing, is brought to a halt. Those that have are expatriated from their goods which are distributed to the have-nots, which far outnumber the haves, all for the greater good.

In a capitalist society the people need the freedom to run their businesses without undo government interference so they can prosper. Since the people far outnumber the Government this is for the greater good. People can take care of themselves far better than even the best Government can.

Usually though when the greater good term is used it benefits the one or the few. There is no greater good than what their particular group wants. When the banks were failing the Government bailed them out with hundreds of billions, (truth be known trillions) of Federal Reserve Notes all for the greater good. What? Really? How is a few banks robbing the public at large for the greater good?

Now these banks that the public, (yes the tax dollars that bailed out the banks is your money) bailed out are foreclosing on the homes of the very people who rescued them.

What would have happened if the banks had of bailed? Let us see, the interest on the public debt that goes to these banks is financed by the Federal Income Tax. That is what the Grace Commission determined in 1984. No banks equals no national debt which equals no federal income tax is needed.

If you owed a bank for your mortgage, car payment, student loan or credit cards, no banks equals no mortgage, car, student loan or credit card payments. No foreclosures so no homeless families. No student loan debt. We would have all been instantly debt free. The shackles of the Federal Reserve would have been removed and we would truly be a free capitalist society unencumbered to prosper for the greater good.

We may yet get our chance as December 21, 2012 nears and the Federal Reserve System currently in use grinds to a collapse. For the greater good, wake up people, the money matrix has you. Comments (6)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #1 Posted by Trog 14 years ago
We can never have equality in life simply because we are all on a different pathway , we all have different lessons to learn and those lessons have to be learnt 'hands on' a first hand experience by each individual . Although the corner stone of civilization is built on human sacrifice , and because we are all still in our infancy , this system works , eventually humans will know all the answers and sacrifice will no longer be needed or used . As far as money is concerned , in the final analysis a better system will emerge , one where we help each other and the weak aren't forgotten ...... But... [More]
Comment icon #2 Posted by Asgaard 14 years ago
We can never have equality in life simply because we are all on a different pathway , we all have different lessons to learn and those lessons have to be learnt 'hands on' a first hand experience by each individual . Although the corner stone of civilization is built on human sacrifice , and because we are all still in our infancy , this system works , eventually humans will know all the answers and sacrifice will no longer be needed or used . As far as money is concerned , in the final analysis a better system will emerge , one where we help each other and the weak aren't forgotten ...... But... [More]
Comment icon #3 Posted by UltraThunderMan 14 years ago
I agree with Asgaard. We must stop looking to some invisible deity that may not exist and search inside ourselves for the answers. It is not god that must act to help our fellow man when there is a natural disaster or when heroes are needed, it is US. Once people understand that, we can begin to move towards our full potential.
Comment icon #4 Posted by Trog 14 years ago
Asgaard . We all have our own opinion , and far be it for me to try and change your mind , however , does your belief system include a 'Judgment Day' ? And if not does that mean that as long as you don't get caught by your countries police , you can do as you like with impunity ? That's exactly what's wrong with the world to-day , too many people doing what ever makes them feel good .... I'm not sure where you get “The mysterious work of God” from , the majority of people in this world believe in his word (The Bible) and there is no mystery about it , for those who bother to read it . But ... [More]
Comment icon #5 Posted by devilmaycare 14 years ago
I like the honesty of the op. The only change the human race will be making is that of one from a mostly negative viewpoint to slightly the other way. A personal viewpoint, either that of one in power or one in not, is moot. It's not quantity, but quality that matters when it comes to people. Money or no money, money was never the point of beingness, and is a completely fabricated cage to begin with. Count that.
Comment icon #6 Posted by Ryu 14 years ago
Money is not to blame...this has been a common cop out type argument. The ol' "If we didn't have money, we'd all be happier" Total BS. Money is merely a medium used in the exchange of goods and services. The real issue is our society and its collective attitudes..of course this means each and every one of us. Does that imply one should live a life of abject poverty? No. It means that out attitude towards money needs to be readjusted..of course our collective attitudes towards many things needs some severe tweaking too. As for this whole "greater good" thing..who decides what is for the greater... [More]

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