Nice shot. Thanks for posting it.I don’t know if it's just me, but I can almost see a lions face and mane on this thing.What is the story behind this?
Yes it does look like a feline kind of face. The Avebury stones are all different shapes andsizes. I don't think there's any particular story to this one. I took it in October. It's in thefield that has an opening by the Heritage Shop, if any one goes there and wants to see it.These stones are so old that we don't know what they might have looked like originally.Were they free standing? Or were they covered with turf/wood?Kind-of like a stone joist? I have even tentatively speculated that they might have originally been covered in gold plating..But I think that...
Thanks, both of you.................. I'll find another Avebury Stone photo to put here, later.It's a phenomenal place. A lot of it was destroyed...quite deliberatelyFROM HERE Imagine being responsible for deliberately destroying a lot of the circle!!!!Denying future generations from seeing/enjoying what was there.Thank goodness quite a lot remains.
Hi Bee, are these stones in the South of England? If so, then, that rules out glacial withdrawal from depositing them. They do exhibit the pitting and scaring caused by massive lightning strikes, then, worked by human hands much later.
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