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World of the Bizarre

Humans glow in visible light

By T.K. Randall
July 26, 2009 · Comment icon 16 comments

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Japanese scientists have used incredibly sensitive cameras to capture the extremely faint glow being given off by a number of human volunteers, they found that the intensity of the glow is linked to our internal body clocks.
The human body literally glows, emitting a visible light in extremely small quantities at levels that rise and fall with the day, scientists now reveal.

Source: Yahoo! News | Comments (16)

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Comment icon #7 Posted by Lt_Ripley 15 years ago
seeing aura's ? ya never know ! never say never ! while I doubt many that claim they can do ......... you never know.
Comment icon #8 Posted by mrsfoamy 15 years ago
This is not the type of article I read Bizarre magazine for. Love that rag.
Comment icon #9 Posted by SpIdErCyDe 15 years ago
Hmm, bio energy, the Matrix makes a little more sense now, since the humans did block out the sun via the nano machines.
Comment icon #10 Posted by Juanita Rose Violini 15 years ago
If you can see heat waves rising from hot pavement you can see human auras.
Comment icon #11 Posted by Paracelse 15 years ago
The light is one thousand times less intense than what humans are able to detect, and even if anyone were able to detect such low levels of light it'd be drowned out by regular daylight which is hundreds of times more intense. Some blind people are able to detect sounds that no other human can hear, why wouldn't be possible for others to be able to detect lights you can't see? We are not created equal..
Comment icon #12 Posted by Paracelse 15 years ago
I seem to recall the work of a certain Kirlian
Comment icon #13 Posted by :PsYKoTiC:BeHAvIoR: 15 years ago
I think that is a stretch..............nothing has been proven yet......... Maybe not, but it makes the aura more plausible though.
Comment icon #14 Posted by Nikki Hearts 15 years ago
Awesome,I've always wanted to glow.:]
Comment icon #15 Posted by Olive Farmer 15 years ago
Imagine, if you can, a structure (let's call it home) that is made entirely of love energy. (There's a point to this, I promise). Imagine it as a spherical ball of light, surrounding you and protecting you. Imagine that energy coming from you, that love coming from you, that light coming from you. The structure IS you. If you're still reading, you must be as crazy as I am! This light of love that is you is also made up of other elements. It's wrapped in compassion, clothed in truth, and girded by trust. It is indestructible, as all energy is, and so you fear absolutely nothing. Still with me? ... [More]
Comment icon #16 Posted by Leonardo 15 years ago
Awesome,I've always wanted to glow.:] You have nothing to worry about, Nikki. As the old adage states: Horses sweat, men perspire, and women glow!

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