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Humans were once an endangered species

By T.K. Randall
January 23, 2010 · Comment icon 24 comments

Image Credit: Urville Djasim
Scientists have determined that approximately 1.2 million years ago humans were on the verge of extinction.
At this point in time there would have been only a few thousand individuals able to breed, a proportion that would have seen us more endangered than modern day gorillas and chimpanzees are now.
Scientists from the University of Utah in Salt Lake City in the U.S. have calculated that 1.2 million years ago, at a time when our ancestors were spreading through Africa, Europe and Asia, there were probably only around 18,500 individuals capable of breeding (and no more than 26,000).

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Comment icon #15 Posted by Hans Dolbrook 15 years ago
we face extinction every day in my meteor or asteroid could come out of nowhere,and cancel the party for mankind and most of the animals on earth. we could also blow ourselves up rather easy . each day could be our last.
Comment icon #16 Posted by The Curious One 15 years ago
come to think of it i didn't know the human race had been around for 1.2 million yrs.....
Comment icon #17 Posted by REBEL 15 years ago
New genetic findings suggest that early humans living about one million years ago were extremely close to extinction. one million years later, who cares. The genetic evidence suggests that the effective population—an indicator of genetic diversity—of early human species back then, including Homo erectus, H. ergaster and archaic H. sapiens, was about 18,500 individuals (it is thought that modern humans evolved from H. erectus), says Lynn Jorde, a human geneticist at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City.That figure translates into a total population of 55,500 individuals, tops.One might ... [More]
Comment icon #18 Posted by J.B. 15 years ago
We've faced a lot of extinctions. And beaten them all. We'll face down what's going on now, and a lot of us will survive no matter what. Never let the doom sayers tell ya otherwise, someone will survive, a bunch of someones. How many die will depend on how right the climatologists are, and what the rest of us do about it. As for this article, It's just one of several saying humanity got kicked in the face by mother earth over and over again. She's a very abusive mother even when you're nice to her.
Comment icon #19 Posted by Wyrdlight 15 years ago
Well I was taught in geography that at one point the human popualtion dropped very low, the rough figure we were told was 5-20 thousand. That drastic reduction in the size of the gene pool was said to be the main cause of the lareg number of genetic disorders and high rate of cancer amongst human populations as opposed to other animal species.
Comment icon #20 Posted by BaneSilvermoon 15 years ago
Well I was taught in geography that at one point the human popualtion dropped very low, the rough figure we were told was 5-20 thousand. That drastic reduction in the size of the gene pool was said to be the main cause of the lareg number of genetic disorders and high rate of cancer amongst human populations as opposed to other animal species. Did you just call me inbred!?
Comment icon #21 Posted by Exterminator 15 years ago
A Population bottleneck happened one million year ago... It explains why human species is pretty uniform with less genetic variation. And as people are saying that we are not harming the nature i.e we are not killing animals but helping them. IMO we are helping the animals.. a lot. But the rate at which we are killing them is way higher. I read a news few days back that a poacher was caught with lots of hides of animals like tiger, wolf, jaguar,etc. He said he had been doing this business for many years and a lot of others are doing. They kill, they sell, they get money. That's their business.... [More]
Comment icon #22 Posted by BaneSilvermoon 15 years ago
But I am sure we won't let any species go to extinction as there will always be one couple getting fed allowed to mate behind the most intense security. One couple is far from enough. The point of the OP in this thread was saying that a number in the thousands was a low enough number to almost wipe us out as a species..... A lack of genetic diversity will kill a species as easily as hunters will. There was a Thylacine conservation effort as well, clearly that wasn't enough. Or how about the Baiji river dolphin, estimated 400 in the wild in the 80s, now considered extinct. I personally like the... [More]
Comment icon #23 Posted by MitsuharuSan 15 years ago
It makes me sick how some human beings can be so... egocentric. Yeah, destroy everything, screw the planet and animals. We can, right? I mean, we are the center of the universe. If you think that human beings leading to some species' extinction is natural selection... Sheesh. That's why everything's so f'd up nowadays. People just don't care anymore (and I'm not just talking about planet and animals here... People don't care about anything anymore. Love, sharing, ... you name it). And no, I'm not an Al Gore follower, activist, humanitarian or whatever. I don't need an ideology to have a brain ... [More]
Comment icon #24 Posted by The_Griffin 15 years ago
Not to worry eventually when Mother Earth has had enough of us she will reduce our numbers once again. It's silly to assume we as a species can stand up to her power with our technology.

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