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Scientists to dig up Leonardo Da Vinci's bones

By T.K. Randall
January 24, 2010 · Comment icon 22 comments

Image Credit: Leonardo Da Vinci
A group of scientists is looking to dig up the remains of Leonardo Da Vinci so that they can reconstruct his face.
The reconstruction will assist in determining whether or not the Mona Lisa is actually a disguised self-portrait of Da Vinci, to date the true identity of the woman in the picture has never been determined.
A group of scientists is seeking permission to open the tomb in which Leonardo da Vinci is believed to lie, in a bid to reconstruct his face and discover whether his masterpiece, the Mona Lisa, is a disguised self-portrait.

Source: Yahoo! News | Comments (22)

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Comment icon #13 Posted by DukeofNoodleness 15 years ago
I'm an artist, and I don't see why people read so much into artwork sometimes. This is why there is a huge problem with modern art. It's all about the thought process behind the picture. IT ISNT. It's about the talent involved. NOT what you were thinking when painting it. I don't see the big deal about Da Vinci. As far as I'm concerned, he could paint. It's certainly not worth desecrating his corpse for!!
Comment icon #14 Posted by Eldorado 15 years ago
I'm an artist, and I don't see why people read so much into artwork sometimes. This is why there is a huge problem with modern art. It's all about the thought process behind the picture. IT ISNT. It's about the talent involved. NOT what you were thinking when painting it. I don't see the big deal about Da Vinci. As far as I'm concerned, he could paint. It's certainly not worth desecrating his corpse for!! I agree.....tis scandalous digging up someones corpse just to satisfy the curiosity of a few supposedly intelligent people.
Comment icon #15 Posted by columbiavictoria 15 years ago
Narcissism is what i think of after reading all those articles about DaVinci,or extremely short on funds and clients. He can't be the one in all his paintings even in the MonaLisa. there is this painting head to head (profile wise) him and a good looking young man called Old Head Yong Head, this in my personal study goes under DaVinci and his Grandson. Thwart and defeat of an aspiration is what it feels like when they claim it was him in all those paintings, what about the model named MonaLisa a real person that you can detect more of her in so many paintings rather than wanting to detect DaVi... [More]
Comment icon #16 Posted by itsjustlife 15 years ago
I'm an artist, and I don't see why people read so much into artwork sometimes. This is why there is a huge problem with modern art. It's all about the thought process behind the picture. IT ISNT. It's about the talent involved. NOT what you were thinking when painting it. I don't see the big deal about Da Vinci. As far as I'm concerned, he could paint. It's certainly not worth desecrating his corpse for!! Da Vinci is considered to be the greatest genius of all time. More than Einstein, Galileo, Shakespeare etc. He designed planes, tanks, buildings, was the first to draw anatomy and devices to ... [More]
Comment icon #17 Posted by itsjustlife 15 years ago
Narcissism is what i think of after reading all those articles about DaVinci,or extremely short on funds and clients. He can't be the one in all his paintings even in the MonaLisa. there is this painting head to head (profile wise) him and a good looking young man called Old Head Yong Head, this in my personal study goes under DaVinci and his Grandson. Thwart and defeat of an aspiration is what it feels like when they claim it was him in all those paintings, what about the model named MonaLisa a real person that you can detect more of her in so many paintings rather than wanting to detect DaVi... [More]
Comment icon #18 Posted by Paracelse 15 years ago
Picknett and Prince wrote an interesting book on the subject of the Turin shroud and Da Vinci..
Comment icon #19 Posted by DukeofNoodleness 15 years ago
Da Vinci is considered to be the greatest genius of all time. More than Einstein, Galileo, Shakespeare etc. He designed planes, tanks, buildings, was the first to draw anatomy and devices to breathe underwater before anyone else would for hundreds of years. So he is a very big deal. If you say it's about the talent, then he's pretty much #1 and definitely worthy of all the attention he gets and more. I would say that real talent comes from the thinking that goes on before creating something AND the something you're creating. You could be realllly talented, but if you dont put that into somethi... [More]
Comment icon #20 Posted by DukeofNoodleness 15 years ago
The point is that his self portrait (drawing) combines perfectly with the face of the mona lisa. It's that the works of art are the same - not that it looks like him, because really we dont know much about what he looked like. Which is why they want to dig him up. The real question is why would he design the Mona Lisa to align with is self portrait? And the paintings of Salai, his lover. Here's my 2p. Da Vinci used Salai's features in a few of his paintings ("John the baptist", "Mona Lisa"). It is thought/known that he had a relationship with Salai at some point. It's possible that his love/ob... [More]
Comment icon #21 Posted by itsjustlife 15 years ago
Here's my 2p. Da Vinci used Salai's features in a few of his paintings ("John the baptist", "Mona Lisa"). It is thought/known that he had a relationship with Salai at some point. It's possible that his love/obsession with her influenced him greatly in his artwork, it's also possible that he fitted his portrait and the Mona Lisa portrait together to 'fuse' them as one, or because he so longingly wanted them to be as one. It is also possible that he just used the same template for both paintings. There are a million different reasons but I think some suggestions are utterly ridiculous. Salai was... [More]
Comment icon #22 Posted by DukeofNoodleness 15 years ago
Salai was another man and they were together for 25 years. And it is my theory that he used the painting of salai, john the baptist, mona lisa, and his self portrait to all fuse together. And he did this on purpose for the reason you gave. check out for why I dont think it was because he used a similar face as a template. And putting a toilet on the wall and calling it art.. i'm with you on that one. It's hard to say who's really "the greatest" genius of all time, it's kind of subjective. I didn't state that Da Vinci was, although I do agree that he w... [More]

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