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Explorers claim to have discovered Noah's Ark

By T.K. Randall
April 28, 2010 · Comment icon 103 comments

Image Credit: Französischer Meister
Fundamentalist Christian explorers believe they've found the remains of Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat.
Wood samples taken from the site allegedly date back to 2800BC, the find is said to be a wooden structure made from beams and planks and is buried beneath ice and snow high up on the Turkish mountain.
They said wood taken from the site, which is more than 13,000ft above sea level, dates to 2,800BC. If it is the ark, the discovery would be the greatest in the history of archaeology and bear out one of the most famous stories in the Bible.

Source: Daily Mail | Comments (103)

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Comment icon #94 Posted by Paracelse 15 years ago
I blew tea out of my nose on that one. Non-Biblical? There are supposed to be 500 flood legends around the world, and the basic story of Noah predates the Babylonians... so as an event, it could have happened... Perhaps a survival story (or many separate stories) of the end of the last Ice Age. Here's a list: Long time ago, I've read (I believe it was in "The Morning of the Magicians" by Louis Pauwells and Jacques Bergier) many cultures had floods with someone name Noah, Nowah, Nooa, Nowa and some other variation of the sound. Could it be that Noahs w... [More]
Comment icon #95 Posted by Eva Evermore 15 years ago
I'm not saying that I believe for a second that they have found the ark, there are just too many reasons not to believe it that many people have already expressed that I don't feel I need to reiterate. But I did want to point out that there is a scientist that believes he has found evidence that can support global flooding and even forty days of rain. From studying continental plates he has found evidence that I one point when the earths surface was more solid there was a great deal of water below that was causing pressure to build up. The pressure got to be too much and blew through with such... [More]
Comment icon #96 Posted by Eva Evermore 15 years ago signed onto AIM and noticed an article on the Ark claim I also want to thank you for posting this article, it was very good. I particularly like the quote from Eric Cline "It's not that we professional archaeologists are more elitist or better than they are, but we're trained to separate our beliefs from our science." When you go looking for something in particular, often times you will find it, or at least you believe you do. It can be hard for many people not to have tu... [More]
Comment icon #97 Posted by GGG guy 14 years ago
Looks more like Jesus's manger to me. Perhaps they've mixed up the stories. The only significant data given is the wood is the wrong type, and that this equated to a 99.9% certainty it's Noah's ark. I'm sorry, but maybe probabilistic thinking works different for me than perhaps it does with others, even in its simplest terms. I could understand hiding the altitude of the location, or, albeit, lying about it intentionally, for the purpose claimed. Why one would possibly try to obtain a flood with geological evidence at this altitude is beyond me. This ark could have been geologically lifted to ... [More]
Comment icon #98 Posted by Ms. Anita Cigarette. 14 years ago
This story comes out almost once a year. First of all, IF a great flood occurred in the past, it would take EVERY boat & throw them in random places, such as atop a 12,000 ft mountain. Secondly, I'm sure "Noah" wasn't the only guy housing a few animals on his boat, even if it wasn't to save them from destruction. In fact, I'm sure a few people back then kept some cows tied up on the boat to get milk or move them across the water to another shore. THIRDLY, It's impossible to store 2 of EVERY animal on a boat, which the measurements are clearly given in the Bible. I propose it was a spaceshi... [More]
Comment icon #99 Posted by Pandora7321 14 years ago
There is a field of study called flood geology. It is actually a little less intellectually dishonest than creation science even though they still start out with a premise and try to make the evidence fit this assumption instead of trying to find an explanation for the evidence. Unlike most creation scientists, flood geologist are usually actual geologist. Now of course you are going to find sediment indicating flooding since there have been many floods, where the flood geologist differ from every other geologist is that they believe all the evidence of cataclysms happened in a short period of... [More]
Comment icon #100 Posted by Shang Di 14 years ago
Well, I don't completely believe everything I read or see. Just thought it was interesting. No, this was quite awhile ago. I have no idea what year. since this involve biblical reference lets see how it is written in the bible with its proper translation: click on this
Comment icon #101 Posted by Shang Di 14 years ago
Well, I don't completely believe everything I read or see. Just thought it was interesting. No, this was quite awhile ago. I have no idea what year.
Comment icon #102 Posted by Shang Di 14 years ago .
Comment icon #103 Posted by Evilution13 14 years ago
Well, its been nearly a year since the 'team' made their historical announcement to the world but still nothings come of it. I wonder why? *scatches head*

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