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Metaphysics & Psychology

Video gamers can control dreams

By T.K. Randall
May 27, 2010 · Comment icon 32 comments

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A new study has suggested that playing video games before bed can increase dream awareness and control.
The research is thought to provide a new role for video games in fighting sleep problems such as nightmares, people who play games beforehand seem to have an increased ability to determine what happens within their dreams.
Playing video games before bedtime may give people an unusual level of awareness and control in their dreams, LiveScience has learned. That ability to shape the alternate reality of dream worlds might not match mind-bending Hollywood films such as "The Matrix," but it could provide an edge when fighting nightmares or even mental trauma.

Source: Live Science | Comments (32)

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Comment icon #23 Posted by meankitty 15 years ago
I have good dream control and had many lucid dreams, but I kinda suck at videogames, wtf?
Comment icon #24 Posted by trancelikestate 15 years ago
I don't know if it was nessesarily video game related (although I am a gamer) but once I was having this dream where this monster thing was after me, and I ended getting cornered and was seriously screwed..than I relized I was dreaming so I started shooting fireballs out of my hands and seriusly kicked azz.
Comment icon #25 Posted by kirstylou 15 years ago
i personally would never play silent hill or resident evil before you go bed... that **** is bound to give you nightmares... I see young kids playing such violent and vivid ganes! And i think wtf!!! What possesses you to let your child play that... it also has links to peoples adult life i have read... I personally wouldnt let my kids play on video games till late at night, i would rather engage them in more helpful activities which are going to create a better picture in their sleep pattern.
Comment icon #26 Posted by kirstylou 15 years ago
Hooray for Games! But really, I rarely had dreams lately, talk about CONTROLLING them and I play Video Games everyday!But in my childhood my nightmares were intense,(Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Fatal Frame, anyone?) I fought zombies and and I remember myself dying several time, too bad I didn't respawn... The bell ringin in the school in Silent hill used to give me the absolute jeebies... no wonder i cant watch the actual film....and im 24!
Comment icon #27 Posted by Thereisnoevil 15 years ago
so that explains the nightmares I got when I stopped playing video games!!
Comment icon #28 Posted by theGhost_and_theDarkness 15 years ago
I think I actually have had a life long experiment going on ( ) Since I was young I've had really bad nightmares. . .then when I got to about 16/17 I turned into a video game nerd and, to be honest, I have learned to turn the tides in my nightmares now. I think maybe its like my mind is is associating them with a fictional situation. . .the same thing it does while playing games. Hence, it handles it the same way. Swarm of zombies = unlimited ammo/armor cheat. That kind of thing. Since playing games gave me a better grasp of handling fictional scenarios than I had beforehand (lets face it, vid... [More]
Comment icon #29 Posted by SupeRgirl 15 years ago
It's interesting.. I took up gaming later on, by that i mean I was already well practised with astral projection and what not before i got into video games. I have reason to believe that the subconscious does not know the difference in what stimulus it's responding to, it relies on the conscious to know the difference between which reality contains the real dangers from the virtual. I say this because I suffer from motion sickness with boats and cars, and in certain video games, travelling in cars etc can make me incredibly car sick to the point i will be sick and have to stop. Alternately if ... [More]
Comment icon #30 Posted by Mr Walker 15 years ago
Im with supeRgirl. I taught myself controlled lucid dreaming as a child in the late 50's early 60's. I have played all types of computer games, from the earliest ones up to the morpgs, like wow. I also played, wrote modules for, and dungeon-mastered, groups for the original dungeons and dragons games. back in the late 70's and early 80's. Id agree that there are overlaps which attract and make people good at both things one is the ability to recognise control and connect the subconscious mind to the conscious one. One fascinating insight is this When i began playing wow online, i immediately r... [More]
Comment icon #31 Posted by odds022 15 years ago
but it could provide an edge when fighting nightmares or even mental trauma. I found this interesting. I remember a few years back hearing that having someone play tetris after a traumatic experience can help reduce the chance of developing traumatic stress disorder. I'll try and find something on that. Edit: Here is something, wasn't as long ago as i thought:
Comment icon #32 Posted by Tweaker 15 years ago
Alright! Video games can be a good cause, also helps hand-and-eye coordination

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