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Virophage discovered in Antarctic lake

By T.K. Randall
March 31, 2011 · Comment icon 10 comments

Image Credit: NOAA
The new virophage was discovered after noting protein sequences similar to another found in 2008.
A virophage is a virus-eating virus. Only three have been discovered in the world: one in Paris in 2008 and the second just a month ago. The new find has been named the Organic Lake Virophage and by studying it scientists hope to better understand the complex biological functions occuring within.
Deep within the waters of Antarctica's Organic Lake an Australian research team, led by microbiologist Ricardo Cavicchioli from the University of New South Wales, have discovered a new virophage, or virus eater. Their findings were recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences.

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Comment icon #1 Posted by Asgaard 14 years ago
Could it be possible to use those kind of virus, to ''cure'' people of other virus? Like HIV ?
Comment icon #2 Posted by zenfahr 14 years ago
thats great, perhaps we can manipulate it to fight human viruses!!
Comment icon #3 Posted by Paul Disaster 14 years ago
Zombie cure, anyone?
Comment icon #4 Posted by AquaMerina 14 years ago
Here's a link about virophages. So far it seems that if virophages were used as a kind of anti virus, they may or may not cause health problems in the original host. So further research is necessary. It also seems that virophanges are sparking up the debate on whether viruses are "alive" or not. link
Comment icon #5 Posted by Asgaard 14 years ago
Here's a link about virophages. So far it seems that if virophages were used as a kind of anti virus, they may or may not cause health problems in the original host. So further research is necessary. It also seems that virophanges are sparking up the debate on whether viruses are "alive" or not. link Makes me wonder; How did virus evoluate from the first unicellular organism.. To became that. The firsts unicellular cells that ever lived on earth were abel to multiply by themselves, why not viruses?
Comment icon #6 Posted by Cryptozological Mascot 14 years ago
Oh snap! They found the vampyre virus!
Comment icon #7 Posted by xXHellkittiesXx 14 years ago
Lets hope this will lead to research on various viral vaccines in the future.
Comment icon #8 Posted by -WOLF-12227- 14 years ago
Lets hope this will lead to research on various viral vaccines in the future. Why can't people just let nature take it's course? Viruses, disease, cancer... It's all population control and if we want world peace than we are going to eat up more resources take up more land and generate more waste. Ohhwell, I won't live long enough to see any of this happen so I guess I can count myself lucky.
Comment icon #9 Posted by Erix 14 years ago
Why can't people just let nature take it's course? Viruses, disease, cancer... It's all population control and if we want world peace than we are going to eat up more resources take up more land and generate more waste. Ohhwell, I won't live long enough to see any of this happen so I guess I can count myself lucky. OK so you would let everyone die early?
Comment icon #10 Posted by Fluffybunny 14 years ago
Why can't people just let nature take it's course? Viruses, disease, cancer... It's all population control and if we want world peace than we are going to eat up more resources take up more land and generate more waste. Ohhwell, I won't live long enough to see any of this happen so I guess I can count myself lucky. So you refuse medical treatment when you are ill? Or is the sacrifice of a short life just something that everyone else should make?

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