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Cuban witness recalls alien encounter

By T.K. Randall
July 11, 2011 · Comment icon 20 comments

Image Credit: Archive
An extraordinary story from Cuba that occured back in 1995 has been circulating the internet.
On October 15th of that year farmer Adolfo Serrate had been outside having a smoke when he witnessed a strange round object descending towards the ground nearby, fearing he may be kidnapped he hid and observed the object as it landed. A humanoid entity emerged wearing a spacesuit and gas mask, after inspecting its "ship" it re-entered the craft and took off.
On October 15 1995 there was an incident in a country where information about UFOs and other anomalous phenomena was almost non-existent and very much controlled by the government. In the village of Torriente, Matanzas Province, Cuba, 74-year old farmer, Adolfo Serrate, despite the light rain, left his house early in order to work his cornfield.

Source: Agoras Cosmopolitan | Comments (20)

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Comment icon #11 Posted by Paxus 13 years ago
Immediately the witness ran home and notified the police, afraid that he had seen an “enemy aircraft engaged in sabotage.” He hehe he he he How can you sabotage a field?
Comment icon #12 Posted by gOOgLer 13 years ago
Are you sure that wasn't an advertisement for cuban cigars? :-)
Comment icon #13 Posted by HMS Dreadnought 13 years ago
So are the cool "little green men" from the 50's making a comeback? I sure hope so. Me too... I like how they rolled
Comment icon #14 Posted by Le Lapedalleur 13 years ago
An extraordinary story from Cuba that occured back in 1995 has been circulating the internet. This phrase is a giveaway "..on several occasions seemed to bend down and pluck some of the malanga and calabaza roots on the field." It's a classic account of a glowbird imo.
Comment icon #15 Posted by digitalartist 13 years ago
So are the cool "little green men" from the 50's making a comeback? I sure hope so. They never left. They just got old and turned gray
Comment icon #16 Posted by quillius 13 years ago
They never left. They just got old and turned gray very good!
Comment icon #17 Posted by Mike 215 13 years ago
Years ago I had a friend who was an engineer working on a air force base in Florida. Walking pass a hanger he saw a flying saucer inside. So the went into the hanger and asked an officer what it was doing here. The man replied that it was used to fly reconnaissance flights over Cuba. It was a brilliant idea because Castro did not like US planes flying over his island. However, if the people see a flying saucer they would think it was aliens at work as this story shows.
Comment icon #18 Posted by Cryptozological Mascot 13 years ago
By malanga and calabaza roots, the farmer actually meant cannabis...
Comment icon #19 Posted by SCHMITTHEAD 13 years ago
he recalls?? what like he forgot he saw this, and OF COURSE no pics.
Comment icon #20 Posted by zoser 13 years ago
An extraordinary story from Cuba that occured back in 1995 has been circulating the internet. Interesting; I seem to recall that in the Antonio Villas Boas case where the guy was allegedly abducted and became intimate with a female alien that the 'alien bruisers' who manhandled him into the craft wore breathing gear/masks.

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