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Space & Astronomy

Six tonne satellite to fall from orbit

By T.K. Randall
September 10, 2011 · Comment icon 58 comments

Image Credit: NASA
NASA has warned that a large $750 million satellite is soon to fall uncontrolled out of orbit.
The 20-year-old Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite is likely to fall from orbit within a matter of weeks, raining debris over a wide area of the planet. While senior space officials admitted concern, it was emphasised that the chance of a piece of debris hitting a person was only 1 in 3200.
Nasa claimed the risk to public safety from the “dead” satellite – which is orbiting just over 155 miles above the earth with an inclination of 57 degrees – was “extremely small”.

Source: Telegraph | Comments (58)

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Comment icon #49 Posted by switchopens 13 years ago
Saw it where I was in northern BC. Actually I saw the bright flash and didn't get out to see it on time.
Comment icon #50 Posted by Muenzenhamster 13 years ago
Nuts! I had so hoped to go out to the car this morning to find a nicely fused one kilo chunk of gold and platinum laying on the front seat. What a gift from the heavens that would have been! Well, back to my ramen noodles...
Comment icon #51 Posted by David Yates 13 years ago
Take that, Fox News! Gravity isn't just a theory.
Comment icon #52 Posted by iamdee1 13 years ago
Our local newspaper is saying that it went down in the Pacific Ocean and that 5 minutes later, it would have hit the western coast of the U.S. That's odd, the oribital data map is showing she is close to South America. Did anyone else read this too? Is she still moving?
Comment icon #53 Posted by MID 13 years ago
Our local newspaper is saying that it went down in the Pacific Ocean and that 5 minutes later, it would have hit the western coast of the U.S. That's odd, the oribital data map is showing she is close to South America. Did anyone else read this too? Is she still moving? It's gone iamdee. Been gone for a day and a half, roughly. But I've got to say that it's most likely that the media's been mis-reporting this thing, or not understanding what they've been told, or what they've read (wouldn't be the first time ! ) The following should be the final NASA UARS satellite status report. RELEASE : 11-... [More]
Comment icon #54 Posted by DONTEATUS 13 years ago
It's gone iamdee. Been gone for a day and a half, roughly. But I've got to say that it's most likely that the media's been mis-reporting this thing, or not understanding what they've been told, or what they've read (wouldn't be the first time ! ) The following should be the final NASA UARS satellite status report. This timeline, and the first two paragraphs above, described its final orbit, illustrated here: (It's that shape because they're projecting this circular orbit on a mercador projection of the Earth (a flat map), so circular orbits appear as s-curves). this report says that it re-ente... [More]
Comment icon #55 Posted by iamdee1 13 years ago
Thank you so much for clearing that up. Unfortunately, our local news is at times wrong but I knew that U.M. members would know if she was still up there or not. I'm glad she did manage to find her way down with no reports of damage so far. Hopefully all of it went into the ocean.
Comment icon #56 Posted by MID 13 years ago
Thank you so much for clearing that up. Unfortunately, our local news is at times wrong but I knew that U.M. members would know if she was still up there or not. I'm glad she did manage to find her way down with no reports of damage so far. Hopefully all of it went into the ocean. You're welcome iamdee!
Comment icon #57 Posted by TheMilkman 13 years ago
A documentary about a 1961 press conference where explorer Julius Henry claimed to have found evidence of extraterrestrial life in the Central African republic: The press conference:
Comment icon #58 Posted by MID 13 years ago
A documentary about a 1961 press conference where explorer Julius Henry claimed to have found evidence of extraterrestrial life in the Central African republic: The press conference: That's two threads where the question, "Relevance?" has had to be asked. What are you doing here, spamming threads for kicks???

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