Creatures, Myths & Legends
Searching for bigfoot among the redwoods
T.K. RandallNovember 23, 2011 ·
Image Credit: Vronique Pagnier
Though Bigfoot remains elusive, enthusiasts still prowl the forests in search of proof of its existence.
Groups of upwards of 20 individuals gather frequently in the dense forests of the northwestern United States in a never-ending pursuit, often using "calls" they claim are immitations of the real thing to try and lure one out. There are a few, however, who would prefer that the creature remain hidden and who are simply interested in the romantic notion of the hunt. "I estimate the population of the animal to be several thousand at least," says British Columbia wildlife biologist John Bindernagel.
Amateur researchers in the United States continue to eagerly search for the mysterious creature known as Bigfoot, staking out California's redwood forests at night in their hunt for the elusive beast. Despite many claimed sightings, the existence of Sasquatch has never been proven. Yet that hasn't stopped the obsessed from pursuing his giant footprints.
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