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Creatures, Myths & Legends

Searching for bigfoot among the redwoods

By T.K. Randall
November 23, 2011 · Comment icon 67 comments

Image Credit: Vronique Pagnier
Though Bigfoot remains elusive, enthusiasts still prowl the forests in search of proof of its existence.
Groups of upwards of 20 individuals gather frequently in the dense forests of the northwestern United States in a never-ending pursuit, often using "calls" they claim are immitations of the real thing to try and lure one out. There are a few, however, who would prefer that the creature remain hidden and who are simply interested in the romantic notion of the hunt. "I estimate the population of the animal to be several thousand at least," says British Columbia wildlife biologist John Bindernagel.
Amateur researchers in the United States continue to eagerly search for the mysterious creature known as Bigfoot, staking out California's redwood forests at night in their hunt for the elusive beast. Despite many claimed sightings, the existence of Sasquatch has never been proven. Yet that hasn't stopped the obsessed from pursuing his giant footprints.

Source: Der Spiegel | Comments (67)

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Comment icon #58 Posted by U. N.Owen 13 years ago
A lot of the above debate seems to centre around the evidence or lack of evidence reported by naturalists and zoologists, as though their word on this subject were the be all and end all. I would argue that there are other professions of equal integrity and importance to this debate: Mountaineers for example. Mountaineers are people who have real hands on experience of uninhabited environments and who will know something of their flora and fauna as a consequence. Since (at least) the 1950's onwards, there have been numerous mountaineers, from Sir Edmund Hilary up to now, who have taken the par... [More]
Comment icon #59 Posted by Leonardo 13 years ago
One of the issues with an endorsement of the possibility of Sasquatch being a real animal by scientists, is the number of hoaxes that have been passed off - some more successfully than others. Sasquatch, because it is generally similar to humans (except for size) is able to be hoaxed far more readily than other cryptids. This creates a barrier against official/scientific recognition or acknowledgment of sightings because of the higher probability of being fooled by a hoaxer. Of course, the ease with which Sasquatch may be hoaxed can be seen as an argument against it's existence, but it would b... [More]
Comment icon #60 Posted by Myles 13 years ago
One of the issues with an endorsement of the possibility of Sasquatch being a real animal by scientists, is the number of hoaxes that have been passed off - some more successfully than others. Sasquatch, because it is generally similar to humans (except for size) is able to be hoaxed far more readily than other cryptids. This creates a barrier against official/scientific recognition or acknowledgment of sightings because of the higher probability of being fooled by a hoaxer. Of course, the ease with which Sasquatch may be hoaxed can be seen as an argument against it's existence, but it would b... [More]
Comment icon #61 Posted by Beany 13 years ago
Never been here before, but wanted to post that two of my nephews are part of a current NatGeo shoot in the Sierra Nevadas about Big Foot. They're both amateur Big Foot hunters, and are super-jazzed about being part of this.
Comment icon #62 Posted by Neognosis 13 years ago
You're arguement is that bigfoot cannot exist because it would continually grow to fit it's environment, yet you deem that you know what that environment is and that the maximum that would be allowed is a large number. How do you know the balance point of a bigfoot in the environment is not set at some low level, like 2000 over North America? We do know what that environment is, as you are claiming that it is.. what? Montana? We know what the environment is in the entire United States, and the places that people claim to have seen bigfoot. Species have a minimum number that they must maintain,... [More]
Comment icon #63 Posted by DieChecker 13 years ago
Similarly, parallels drawn with the range inhabited by most known apes (they are confined to the tropics) does not exclude the possibility of a temperate or sub-arctic species existing. Exactly. It is like if there were only pandas and sun bears known to exist, dismissing polar bears out of hand, as bears would be a tropical and sub-tropical species. We do know what that environment is, as you are claiming that it is.. what? Montana? We know what the environment is in the entire United States, and the places that people claim to have seen bigfoot. So if I was to call out one county in Montana,... [More]
Comment icon #64 Posted by Neognosis 13 years ago
So if I was to call out one county in Montana, or in Michigan, or in Oregon, you can tell down to double digits, how many of what kind of animal lives there and in what numbers No, I can't. But a biologist working with the dept. of conservation probably has a good idea of the health of the species that live there. Accurate to within 99 animals? Probably not. But they have a good idea of what is eating what in the ecosystem, and they understand and observe the ripple effects that happen when one part of that ecosystem is altered. Why do researchers have to radio tag the animals? If they are rea... [More]
Comment icon #65 Posted by DieChecker 13 years ago
I was just reading a couple threads at the Bigfoot Forums and those guys have exceptions and rationalizations to a fine science. They have an answer to everything and all of them agree, "Uh... Yep", with every idea posted. Still it is fun reading.
Comment icon #66 Posted by Night Walker 13 years ago
I was just reading a couple threads at the Bigfoot Forums and those guys have exceptions and rationalizations to a fine science. They have an answer to everything and all of them agree, "Uh... Yep", with every idea posted. Still it is fun reading. Sometimes it's easier to think outside the box than it is to focus on what is actually inside it...
Comment icon #67 Posted by Neognosis 13 years ago
I was just reading a couple threads at the Bigfoot Forums and those guys have exceptions and rationalizations to a fine science. They have an answer to everything and all of them agree, "Uh... Yep", with every idea posted.Still it is fun reading. I have often been tempted, but I stay away... OK! Post a link to the forum you visited, I'll give it a whirl. Probably get banned pretty fast though.

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