A new journey to Mars begins as the huge car-sized rover is launched from Cape Canaveral in Florida.
It will take over eight months for the $2.5 billion spacecraft to reach its destination, at which point the rover will be lowered to the surface with the use of a complex jet pack system. Once there Curiosity will spend two years exploring the martian surface in an attempt to determine if Mars was once, or still is, a suitable habitat for life.
A robot built to roam Mars in search of signs that the planet could have supported life has been launched without a hitch by Nasa.
I dont know much but does anybody know if the rover ever went to the face on mars? Why to spent million of dollars to see something that is proven beyond any doubt that is a simple freaking rock?
I dont know much but does anybody know if the rover ever went to the face on mars? You can go here; http://marsrover.nasa.gov/home/ and find a map that shows exactly where the rovers have traveled. No where near the Cydonia region, but, why? There is not a scientist on this planet that thinks that formation is anything but natural. Not one, nada, zip, zero. The only ones that believe it is not a natural geologic feature are charlatans and the gullible who believe them. As for life, while it may seem logical that it is out there somewhere, the fact is, we have not found any signs of it anywhere... [More]
Thats a lot of money to go squandering on a question that already has an answer. The answer being; yes, there is life other than here on Earth. They aren't trying to answer the question "is there life other than here on Earth"The questions are "Is there or was there life on Mars? What is or was it like? What is the history of life on Mars? Etc." Saying that this mission is "squandering" is like saying that the Hubble Space Telescope was "squandering" because scientists already knew there was stars and galaxies in the universe before they sent it into space.
You can go here; http://marsrover.nasa.gov/home/ and find a map that shows exactly where the rovers have traveled. No where near the Cydonia region, but, why? There is not a scientist on this planet that thinks that formation is anything but natural. Not one, nada, zip, zero. The only ones that believe it is not a natural geologic feature are charlatans and the gullible who believe them. As for life, while it may seem logical that it is out there somewhere, the fact is, we have not found any signs of it anywhere. We have found places that could support life and we have found places that could ... [More]
You can go here; http://marsrover.nasa.gov/home/ and find a map that shows exactly where the rovers have traveled. No where near the Cydonia region, but, why? There is not a scientist on this planet that thinks that formation is anything but natural. Not one, nada, zip, zero. The only ones that believe it is not a natural geologic feature are charlatans and the gullible who believe them. As for life, while it may seem logical that it is out there somewhere, the fact is, we have not found any signs of it anywhere. We have found places that could support life and we have found places that could ... [More]
Graham Hancock quoted several scientists that believe the Cydonia area is artificial in his book "THE MARS MYSTEY". A good proof is at url: http://www.thehidden...ds.com/mars.htm Cydonia area is artificial in " What scientists? And there is no proof. It's an imaginary tale based on pareidolia combined with a determination to see something there by all means. It is, by all means of respect, utter nonsense. Cheers, Badeskov
What scientists? And there is no proof. It's an imaginary tale based on pareidolia combined with a determination to see something there by all means. It is, by all means of respect, utter nonsense. Cheers, Badeskov We know thats Santa Claus on Mars dont we Badeskov`s ! Have a great Christmas to you and your family buddie ! Heres your present early ! Dont tell Pee-Wee I took it !
Graham Hancock quoted several scientists that believe the Cydonia area is artificial in his book "THE MARS MYSTEY". A good proof is at url: http://www.thehidden...ds.com/mars.htm Cydonia area is artificial in " . Side view of the 'mouth I'll stand by my statement. First of all, by scientist, I mean someone witha degree and doing research in a scientific field. Geology, archaeology, astronomy, et al. Second of all, Graham Hancock is one of the charlatans I was referring to. Here is a photo of the 'face' in the cydonia region, from this far away, it really does resemble a face, but let's zoom in... [More]
Here is a close up on the area between the eyes that the link above claims shows 2m sized block clusters. Looks like naturally eroded rock to me. Elsewhere in Cydonia we have the D&M pyramid which according to some is a perfectly shaped 5 sided pyramid. Seems you can't trust some people, can you? South elevation; West; North; East Here is the so called 'city' in cydonia; Better photography than Viking gave us shows what most of us knew all along, Hoagland is full of it and there are no artifical structures on Mars. Would it be fantastic if there were? Yes, it would be, but in my own not so... [More]
Space exploration is not a waste of money at all. It is far better than spending money on war for instance. Today we might not benefit other than having our curiosities satisfied, but future generations will.
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