Science & Technology
Arctic Ocean freshwater bulge detected
T.K. RandallJanuary 24, 2012 ·
Image Credit: Ansgar Walk
Scientists have detected a huge bulge of fresh water 8000 cubic km in size in the western Arctic Ocean.
The bulge is thought to be the result of strong winds whipping up a clockwise current in the region. "In the western Arctic, the Beaufort Gyre is driven by a permanent anti-cyclonic wind circulation," said Dr Katharine Giles. "It drives the water, forcing it to pile up in the centre of gyre, and this domes the sea surface."
The data (1995-2010) indicates a significant swelling of water in the Beaufort Gyre, particularly since the early part of the 2000s. The rising trend has been running at 2cm per year.
BBC News |
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