Space & Astronomy
Is Mars now too dry for life to survive ?
T.K. RandallFebruary 4, 2012 ·
Image Credit: NASA/JPL
Scientists believe 600 million years of drought have rendered the Martian surface totally devoid of life.
Despite some wetter periods the surface has been so dry for so long that it seems impossible that life can survive there. "We think the Mars we know today contrasts sharply with its earlier history, which had warmer and wetter periods and which may have been more suited to life," said Dr Tom Pike. "Future NASA and ESA (European Space Agency) missions that are planned for Mars will have to dig deeper to search for evidence of life, which may still be taking refuge underground."
Analysis of soil from the red planet found that its surface had been dry for such a long time that any life would have to be lurking deep underground.
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