Modern Mysteries
Baltic 'UFO' anomaly update
T.K. RandallJune 17, 2012 ·
Image Credit: Peter Lindberg
Divers investigating the anomalous circular object on the Baltic sea floor have found something unusual.
The object which was discovered last year by an expedition team from Sweden has become the focus of a new investigation by divers to determine exactly what it is and how it got there. What they found was a number of strange 'fireplace' like structures arranged in a circle and covered in some form of soot along with a 300 metre long 'runway' leading up to it. The team admit that they remain baffled by the whole thing.
"Since no volcanic activity has ever been reported in the Baltic Sea, the find becomes even stranger," said Peter Lindberg at a press conference. "As laymen, we can only speculate how this [could be] made by nature, but this is the strangest thing I have ever experienced as a professional diver."
A “UFO-shaped” object, found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea last year, has puzzled many. And a Swedish expedition that plunged into the deep eventually surfaced with more questions than answers.
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