Nature & Environment
Tiny snail spreading across the globe
T.K. RandallSeptember 6, 2012 ·
Image Credit: USGS
The miniscule New Zealand mudsnail has been found in Europe, North America and elsewhere.
Despite its small size, the snail is particularly adept at spreading in to new areas and can now be found in countries all over the world. In some places it has no natural predators, allowing it to out compete other snails and insects. The snail is also able to reproduce very quickly and can survive out of water for up to two days.
Now considered an invasive species, the general advice for halting the spread of the creatures is to dry out fishing equipment for at least 50 hours when moving between ecosystems and to try to keep animals away from infected water sources to avoid the snails spreading.
What makes this mudsnail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum, such a good invader? The answer lies partly in the species' ability to reproduce quickly and amass in high densities.
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