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Scientists solve bee flight route mystery

By T.K. Randall
September 24, 2012 · Comment icon 17 comments

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Far from following a random flight pattern bees have the ability to plan the most efficient route.
In an effort to better understand the flight patterns of the common bumblebee, scientists attached tiny antennae to the insects so they could track them as they flew from flower to flower. What the team found was that despite having a brain no bigger than a grass seed the bees were able to calculate the most efficient route to collect as much food as possible and return it to their nest.

The findings emphasize the incredible capabilities of the insects despite their tiny brain size. "Without the benefit of sat nav or GPS they can work out the quickest way to do their job," said study co-author Dr Nigel Raine.
The team from Queen Mary’s University and Royal Holloway University in London in London attached tiny antennae to tens of bees that pinged back the location of the insects as they foraged for pollen and nectar.

Source: Telegraph | Comments (17)

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Comment icon #8 Posted by Neognosis 13 years ago
I like when we do things like this to animals, as I think we have a lot to learn from them, and I would rather our science moved forward in a more organic manner, rather than away from the natural world.
Comment icon #9 Posted by Lady Kasey 13 years ago
It doesn't explain once how the "mystery" is solved?! I thought the point of this was to understand how it flies?! Glad I'm not the only one who thought this, Coffey. I was hoping they'd solve the real mystery of how something so large with such tiny wings manages to fly. Alas it is beyond human ken.
Comment icon #10 Posted by Junior Chubb 13 years ago
I too wondered if it's collective learning? But from what I understand of the article it's seems bees learn individually and don't share info such as ants do. The article seemed to imply they take several routes before they find the most direct route...interesting, or I'm reading the article wrong. I think the camera mounted to the horse on the beach is a great idea..hehehe and what is topping? I would say you read the article correctly, maybe there is more to it than we realise as we may not have considered all the involved factors in their 'learning' of the quickest route. Oh and also, 'Topp... [More]
Comment icon #11 Posted by ouija ouija 13 years ago
I too wondered if it's collective learning? But from what I understand of the article it's seems bees learn individually and don't share info such as ants do. The article seemed to imply they take several routes before they find the most direct route...interesting, or I'm reading the article wrong. I think the camera mounted to the horse on the beach is a great idea..hehehe and what is topping? 'Topping' yourself means committing suicide. I am only partly speaking in jest; I really do find this type of physical intrusion into other species very depressing and upsetting.
Comment icon #12 Posted by ouija ouija 13 years ago
I like when we do things like this to animals, as I think we have a lot to learn from them, and I would rather our science moved forward in a more organic manner, rather than away from the natural world. We can learn a lot by observation, but it seems as if just consciously looking at the world around us has gone out of fashion. It seems as if research is only valuable these days if it has had a lot of money thrown at it and a lot of equipment is used. Two things: firstly,why do you think it's okay for humans to do this? (We certainly wouldn't accept such behaviour from another species! We wou... [More]
Comment icon #13 Posted by Idano 13 years ago
'Topping' yourself means committing suicide. I am only partly speaking in jest; I really do find this type of physical intrusion into other species very depressing and upsetting. Thanks for the definition. Zoos', Seaworld .... wild animals (is that an oxymoron?) in captivity makes me sad. I'm trying to teach my Grand daughter about animals and why zoos' hurt Grandmas heart, but I don't act, my bad! It sounds like you do though so NO TOPPING!! We need your ilk. Tagging, gee i'm still on the fence...we learn so much to help animals, where they go, what they eat, how we can help them withstand ou... [More]
Comment icon #14 Posted by ouija ouija 13 years ago
Zoos', Seaworld .... wild animals (is that an oxymoron?) in captivity makes me sad. I'm trying to teach my Grand daughter about animals and why zoos' hurt Grandmas heart, but I don't act, my bad! It sounds like you do though so NO TOPPING!! We need your ilk. You will act when the time is right
Comment icon #15 Posted by ouija ouija 13 years ago
I keep forgetting to post this in here: one summer a few years ago, a lot of 'Daddy Longlegs' insects hatched out of my back lawn. I was watching them struggle out of the ground, dry their wings off and then eventually make an attempt at flying, when a huge dragonfly appeared. My lawn is about 40' x 40', and that dragonfly started at one side then made passes from the end nearest the house to the end farthest away, up and down, up and down, gradually moving a few inches to his left with each pass until he had systematically covered the entire area, munching on 'Daddy Longlegs''s as he went! In... [More]
Comment icon #16 Posted by Junior Chubb 13 years ago
I keep forgetting to post this in here: one summer a few years ago, a lot of 'Daddy Longlegs' insects hatched out of my back lawn. I was watching them struggle out of the ground, dry their wings off and then eventually make an attempt at flying, when a huge dragonfly appeared. My lawn is about 40' x 40', and that dragonfly started at one side then made passes from the end nearest the house to the end farthest away, up and down, up and down, gradually moving a few inches to his left with each pass until he had systematically covered the entire area, munching on 'Daddy Longlegs''s as he went! In... [More]
Comment icon #17 Posted by ouija ouija 13 years ago
I wish my son could have seen this, then he would stop calling 'Daddy Long Legs' 'Dragonflies'. I tell him time after time they are Crane flies (daddy long legs) but it does not sink in, then today while we were out him and a friend found some hatching as you described, guess what, his friend called it a Dragon Fly too... Then you get those that call Harvestman Spiders Daddy long legs, wtf is that all about? This might need its own thread actually... Glad you sit on the right side of the Daddy Long Legs fence though. Honestly! *rolls eyes* What DO they teach kids in school these days? *more ey... [More]

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