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'Predator X' identified as new species

By T.K. Randall
October 19, 2012 · Comment icon 20 comments

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Researchers have confirmed that the giant prehistoric meat-eating sea monster is indeed a new species.
Now known as "Pliosaurus funkei", the fearsome creature roamed the world's oceans over 150 million years ago. With a bite several times more powerful than that of a Tyrannosaurus Rex, these denizens of the deep would have been at the top of the food chain. "They had teeth that would have made a T. rex whimper," said study co-author Patrick Druckenmiller.

Evidence of the creatures was first found in 2006 when two pliosaur skeletons were unearthed in Norway with one showing unusual characteristics. Dubbed 'Predator X', the identity of the mysterious carnivore had remained something of a mystery until now. The discovery points to a prehistoric ocean teeming with giant predators that can grow up to 40ft in length.
Now, after years of painstaking analysis of the jaw, vertebrae and forelimbs, the researchers have determined that Predator X is in fact a new species, and they have officially named it for Bjorn and May-Liss Funke, volunteers who first discovered the fossils.

Source: Fox News | Comments (20)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #11 Posted by Tizqar 13 years ago
I still wouldn't like to encounter that on a nice afternoon swim!
Comment icon #12 Posted by thewild 13 years ago
What an awesome sea monster that critter is!! Jeeze the picture is fearsome. No wonder the aquatics marched up out of the water to become land animals!!
Comment icon #13 Posted by CRIPTIC CHAMELEON 13 years ago
I was a predator x once in my younger days at the night clubs lol
Comment icon #14 Posted by theworldneeds2know 13 years ago
can't be new species if its dead. more like old new species.
Comment icon #15 Posted by Daniel Knight 12 years ago
"roamed the world's oceans over 150 million years ago" cuz the atheist bible-denying money loving cultists said so! Be ashamed for pushing this crap. How many more mass murders by atheists need to happen before you immature babies admit the Bible is true. You're true idiots. God forgive you if that's possible, for narcissists and psychopaths it's not, commit yourselves to a mental institution please.
Comment icon #16 Posted by Rut Roh 12 years ago
"roamed the world's oceans over 150 million years ago" cuz the atheist bible-denying money loving cultists said so! Be ashamed for pushing this crap. How many more mass murders by atheists need to happen before you immature babies admit the Bible is true. You're true idiots. God forgive you if that's possible, for narcissists and psychopaths it's not, commit yourselves to a mental institution please. Lets see, what would be the most dangerous mind set to have... to follow blindly or to openly question? Simple question from a true idiot. Also, why even rea... [More]
Comment icon #17 Posted by The Silver Thong 12 years ago
If we all had time machines man would have never learned to swim back then. Evolution is great and we evolved with out these things. Damn jaws music.....
Comment icon #18 Posted by anasshad 12 years ago
What actually this Predator X was?
Comment icon #19 Posted by Abramelin 12 years ago
"roamed the world's oceans over 150 million years ago" cuz the atheist bible-denying money loving cultists said so! Be ashamed for pushing this crap. How many more mass murders by atheists need to happen before you immature babies admit the Bible is true. You're true idiots. God forgive you if that's possible, for narcissists and psychopaths it's not, commit yourselves to a mental institution please. From the looks of it that is where you are posting from.
Comment icon #20 Posted by SameerPrehistorica 12 years ago
Introduced to the world in 2009, Predator X was hailed as the most fearsome of all prehistoric creatures. An immense, big-headed marine reptile - said to have been 50ft long with a bite four times more powerful as Tyrannosaurus rex - spawned a host of excited commentary, documentaries and even a B-movie. Now, four years after the initial discovery of the beast's fossilised remains, Predator X has finally been given a technical deion and a name - and it seems the hype overreached the facts. These kinds of things are common in Paleontology..Someone finds some fossil and claims it as very big and... [More]

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