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Reality show offering $10M Bigfoot prize

By T.K. Randall
October 29, 2012 · Comment icon 43 comments

Image Credit: Loren Coleman
A new reality TV series is offering participants a grand prize of $10M if they can prove Bigfoot exists.
Called "10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty" the new show is being produced by Spike TV who have joined forces with Lloyd's of London to offer what is being advertised as the largest cash prize in television history. Several teams of explorers will take part and all they need to do to claim the money is to produce irrefutable evidence that the elusive hominid exists.

"The teams will be faced with the daunting task of proving to a group of experts that Bigfoot, the hairy ape-like sasquatch, exists with the irrefutable evidence," reads the show's synopsis. "The winner will be the first team to secure proof -- and win the unprecedented $10 million bounty." The series is due to be filmed across several locations in the United States.
America's Spike TV is teaming up with Lloyd's of London to offer a $10 million prize to reality show participants who can prove Bigfoot exists.

Source: UPI | Comments (43)

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Comment icon #34 Posted by QuiteContrary 13 years ago
Yeah, unfortunately there are some fools out there I just wonder if they'll be more fools, new ones, out there with the 10 mil bounty. Hunting-ignorant ones who wouldn't give guns or hunting the time of day, before.
Comment icon #35 Posted by DieChecker 13 years ago
The real fools will be those who go out hunting bigfoot for the $10 million. Clearly, the $10 million is ONLY for this Show's Contestants. It would be like trying to win American Idol by getting into the Studio Audience and rushing the stage while singing at the top of your voice. All that is going to happen is Security is called.
Comment icon #36 Posted by QuiteContrary 13 years ago
The real fools will be those who go out hunting bigfoot for the $10 million. Clearly, the $10 million is ONLY for this Show's Contestants. It would be like trying to win American Idol by getting into the Studio Audience and rushing the stage while singing at the top of your voice. All that is going to happen is Security is called. Yeah, I'm sure there will be non-contestants who will think that's what a bf body is worth.
Comment icon #37 Posted by Lava_Lady 12 years ago
Would anyone believe I found Bigfoot in Hawaii? What if he/she was hiding behind some coconut trees? Or maybe slowly walking away from me on the beach looking back at me while I film it on a grainy 8 mm? I could use $10,000,000.00.
Comment icon #38 Posted by Pinguin 12 years ago
I think people aren't going to find anything. But I would like to go with a couple of my friends and look for big foot. lol
Comment icon #39 Posted by psyche101 12 years ago
Let the excuses begin..... ( I.E. The Randi Challenge ) Good find by the way ! The curse of Phil Klass comes to mind as well........... Would anyone believe I found Bigfoot in Hawaii? What if he/she was hiding behind some coconut trees? Or maybe slowly walking away from me on the beach looking back at me while I film it on a grainy 8 mm? I could use $10,000,000.00. 50% and I am a supporting eyewitness.
Comment icon #40 Posted by Slave2Fate 12 years ago
50% and I am a supporting eyewitness. Hell, 25% up front and I'll throw myself in front of a car and say Bigfoot beat me down! Beat that!
Comment icon #41 Posted by psyche101 12 years ago
Hell, 25% up front and I'll throw myself in front of a car and say Bigfoot beat me down! Beat that! Damn! I am not dropping to 25% after the deed. Cutting my grass again huh! You keep away from Emma Acid ya hear, I saw her first!
Comment icon #42 Posted by Lava_Lady 12 years ago
50% and I am a supporting eyewitness. How about 25% and as many coconuts as you want?
Comment icon #43 Posted by leupgaru 12 years ago
make it 50 mil. and i will show you the real bigfoot. but, you can't touch them, you will not going to get DNA and specially you can't have them. you will smell their bile odor, you will see their finite appearance, they will show you the atmost thing that all want to see, their strength and power ! deal ?! 10 mil. is a loose change !

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