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Space & Astronomy

Could there really be a 'Planet X' ?

By T.K. Randall
November 9, 2012 · Comment icon 19 comments

Image Credit: NASA
Have we discovered all the planets in our solar system or could there still be more out there to find ?
While the hunt for new planets is now mostly focused on other solar systems, the idea that there could be one or more new planets lurking within our own solar system's Kuiper Belt has not been forgotten. The idea of a 'Planet X' has even been associated with doomsday predictions and 2012 with some people believing that the end of the world will be brought about by this enigmatic world colliding with the Earth. There is however no evidence that such an event is likely to happen.

One particularly compelling phenomenon that might indicate the presence of a planet in the outer solar system is the 'Kuiper Cliff', a point at which the frozen debris in the Kuiper Belt suddenly stops. Could there be an unknown planet out there influencing these objects or is there another explanation that science has yet to discover ?[!gad]While the hunt for new planets is now mostly focused on other solar systems, the idea that there could be one or more new planets lurking within our own solar system's Kuiper Belt has not been forgotten. The idea of a 'Planet X' has even been associated with doomsday predictions and 2012 with some people believing that the end of the world will be brought about by this enigmatic world colliding with the Earth. There is however no evidence that such an event is likely to happen.

One particularly compelling phenomenon that might indicate the presence of a planet in the outer solar system is the 'Kuiper Cliff', a point at which the frozen debris in the Kuiper Belt suddenly stops. Could there be an unknown planet out there influencing these objects or is there another explanation that science has yet to discover ?
The announcement of the recent discovery of exoplanet Alpha Centauri Bb is a testimony to how far planetary detection techniques have come over the last few decades.

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Comment icon #10 Posted by Rlyeh 12 years ago
The funny thing is, not too long ago I had bizarre vision of a two planets colliding into one another which is funny because nothing like that has ever happened to me before and even the feeling during those 10 seconds left me with an ominous feeling. Left me with the shakes for hours before I could finally sleep after praying to God to give me strength. Oh, and this happened long before I started using the username 'TheProphetMark' so I'm not saying I'm a Prophet because I'm still skeptic. It's just something that I cannot explain at this moment and I'm still trying to figure out what happene... [More]
Comment icon #11 Posted by TheProphetMark 12 years ago
Please don't get them started... I posted in an article on the home page and for some reason my post came in this thread too as well as the comment section of the other article. My post doesn't have anything to do with the OP but the other article I commented on. I don't even know why my posted got posted in this thread.
Comment icon #12 Posted by TheProphetMark 12 years ago
When I posted, I was thinking of another article also as well. Read that, you'll understand my post better.
Comment icon #13 Posted by Briggstan 12 years ago
When I posted, I was thinking of another article also as well. http://beforeitsnews...ed-2492862.html Read that, you'll understand my post better. Saw this on 4chan, it's fake they were posting it everywhere in hopes that people would believe it. Look up bald for beiber for more of the same shenanigans.
Comment icon #14 Posted by Socio 12 years ago
I have heard a theory that Planet X does exist but we are not supposed to know of its existence as it harbors an extraterrestrial base, being used to study/monitor earth.
Comment icon #15 Posted by R4z3rsPar4d0x 12 years ago
My problem with Planet X is If it is coming into orbit wouldnt we have seen it by now?
Comment icon #16 Posted by thebarman 12 years ago
My problem with Planet X is If it is coming into orbit wouldnt we have seen it by now? This theory is not suggesting a Planet X in the doomsday sense, but is more an implication that there may still be another undiscovered planet drifting around the kuiper belt. While I accept this is a remote possibility, I do not accept that every so often it swings its way into the inner solar system causing mayhem and havoc before disappearing to the outer reaches of the solar system for another millennia.
Comment icon #17 Posted by RoadMaster04 12 years ago
They just told of a Starless Planet just floating only a few light years from Earth today on MSN.
Comment icon #18 Posted by RoadMaster04 12 years ago
"The free-floating object, called CFBDSIR2149, is likely a gas giant planet four to seven times more massive than Jupiter, scientists say in a new study unveiled Wednesday. The planet cruises unbound through space relatively close to Earth (in astronomical terms), perhaps after being booted from its own solar system." ~Mike Wall,~
Comment icon #19 Posted by Rlyeh 12 years ago
They just told of a Starless Planet just floating only a few light years from Earth today on MSN. 100 is only a few.

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