Hundreds of Catholics have gathered outside a hospital in Malaysia after the image appeared in a window.
The Sime Darby Medical Centre has become a huge attraction thanks to the image which appears to resemble the Virgin Mary, some of the crowd also believe another window along from it depicts the image of Jesus. More than 100 people remained at the site on Sunday, some lit candles while others sang hymns and said prayers.
"We believe Mary, mother of God, has a message for us, as she is looking down on us and then at a Malaysian flag," said local resident Eunice Fernandez. "We can also see Jesus and He is also moving, they are not static."
Hundreds of Catholics have gathered in prayer and worship outside a Malaysian hospital after seeing an image said to resemble the Virgin Mary on one of the windows.
It's a window stain you eejit lol On the one hand you have people claiming it's a proof of divine staining, on the other hand you have people claiming purposeful manipulation. Yeesh.
The image is not of Mary! It's Venus! The Greek gods have signaled their return! The demi-gods, the nephilim? I have news for you, the Reptilians were always here, no need to return... also there has been dealings with greys in the military department for quite some time already, exchanging high-tech technology for world dominion and abducting some humans that got sold out by their own race for experiments to pay off their debt for the military equipment and designs.... If Christianity is part of SATANIC dogma then mother mary is like Queen E-LIZA (lizard)-BETH.
On the one hand you have people claiming it's a proof of divine staining, on the other hand you have people claiming purposeful manipulation. Yeesh. what the heck is divine staining, did mary rub her behind on the window, or licked the window, or used some other bodily fluids of her "DIVINE BODY" to grace the people by painting a picture with it on some surface? LMAO I googled "mary stains" and found this picture that doesn't look like mary but more like a ghoul: for the articles about MORE "mary divine stains" on walls and such:
I know the religious lot say jesus is everywhere, but as for Mary??? did she even know about the Malay Kingdom then? So why after all this time would she turn up in Malaysia now? Do ghosts travel that far to areas they never knew of or visited when alive? Maybe it is a sign from GOD he does work in mysterious ways. He may be sending a message to that country that if they dont change their ways there will be punishment. Making graven images and living not right in the ways of the Lord. oh yeah maybe the malaysians needed a spiritual awakening.... Ummm,you are quite the rude one,aren't ya. How a... [More]
what the heck is divine staining, did mary rub her behind on the window, or licked the window, or used some other bodily fluids of her "DIVINE BODY" to grace the people by painting a picture with it on some surface? LMAO I googled "mary stains" and found this picture that doesn't look like mary but more like a ghoul: for the articles about MORE "mary divine stains" on walls and such: http://www.anomalies...on/Chicago.html i reckon the virgin(ha) Mary is our new Banksy.
Signs and Wonders. Kinda' funny that the creator of all life, a metaphysical all powerful being would have a smear of the Virgin Mary appear on a hospital window, I mean, popular venues such as a cheeto, a jam jar lid and a bread loaf have already been booked by Jesus so yeah, window it is. Be easier wouldn't it if ye olde' god would just show itself here and now instead of appearing to a group of peopl in a single part of the world...who am I kidding, it's a stain!
How do they know it looks like Mary?... Did they go and look at her old high school year book pictures?... To me it looks more like my aunt Gertrude - she was always a bit fuzzy around the edges - especially after a night of tying one on... And she was a nurse - so that could explain why she chose to appear at a hospital...
I wonder if it's still there... Hospitals are required to be completely clean at all times.. If it were the hospital near my home, they would have cleaned it many times over..
Hospitals are required to be completely clean at all times.. If it were the hospital near my home, they would have cleaned it many times over.. One would hope so! lol But if the hospital is a Catholic one they may have left it there.
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