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Medical scans confirm Da Vinci's accuracy

By T.K. Randall
March 13, 2013 · Comment icon 14 comments

Image Credit: Leonardo da Vinci
CT scans have revealed that Leonardo da Vinci's anatomical sketches were startlingly accurate.
The celebrated Renaissance artist and inventor produced a number of anatomical drawings in the winter of 1510-1511 when he conducted 20 dissections. The sketches show details such as the muscles, bones and sinews of the human body in remarkable detail, but were sadly lost for hundreds of years after he died because he hadn't published them at the time.

Now by comparing his drawings to modern medical scans, experts have revealed just how amazingly accurate the sketches were - da Vinci's anatomical observations were literally centuries ahead of their time. "Five hundred years on, comparisons with CT and MRI scans show that Leonardo's work is still relevant to scientists today," said the Royal Collection Trust who will be exhibiting the drawings alongside modern MRI and CT scans in a demonstration of just how advanced da Vinci's anatomical understanding was more than 500 years ago.[!gad]The celebrated Renaissance artist and inventor produced a number of anatomical drawings in the winter of 1510-1511 when he conducted 20 dissections. The sketches show details such as the muscles, bones and sinews of the human body in remarkable detail, but were sadly lost for hundreds of years after he died because he hadn't published them at the time.

Now by comparing his drawings to modern medical scans, experts have revealed just how amazingly accurate the sketches were - da Vinci's anatomical observations were literally centuries ahead of their time. "Five hundred years on, comparisons with CT and MRI scans show that Leonardo's work is still relevant to scientists today," said the Royal Collection Trust who will be exhibiting the drawings alongside modern MRI and CT scans in a demonstration of just how advanced da Vinci's anatomical understanding was more than 500 years ago.
He has long been praised as one of the finest artists of the Renaissance, working far ahead of his time and producing some of the world’s most recognisable works. But Leonardo da Vinci has finally received the credit he deserves for his “startling” medical accuracy hundreds of years in advance of his peers, as scientists match his anatomical drawings with modern day MRI scans.

Source: Telegraph | Comments (14)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #5 Posted by BiffSplitkins 12 years ago
What if he was a serial killer and cut many people open like Jack the Ripper and that's how he knew the human anotomy so well... Hmmmmm.
Comment icon #6 Posted by Sundew 12 years ago
The pity is that geniuses like Leonardo are so rare. Imagine what the world might be like if that was the norm, or even 5% of the population?
Comment icon #7 Posted by BiffSplitkins 12 years ago
The pity is that geniuses like Leonardo are so rare. Imagine what the world might be like if that was the norm, or even 5% of the population? Imagine how many have been aborted in today's day and age.
Comment icon #8 Posted by ancient astronaut 12 years ago
That's because Da Vinci was a Bad @ss.
Comment icon #9 Posted by -Mr_Fess- 12 years ago
What would you expect? The guy was a phenom. He also must've had no gag reflex or sense of smell. He was known to keep decomposing bodies in his home just to study decomposition and internal organs.
Comment icon #10 Posted by Michelle 12 years ago
All the more amazing is the purposeful dedication to task of Da Vinci. Can you imagine spending hours dissecting rather odoriferous decomposing bodies for the simple purpose of advancing one's learning. I know someone's got to do it, but.....eeeewwww. I have an incredible sense of smell and can find a tiny, dead baby mouse once I get within twenty yards of it.
Comment icon #11 Posted by Eldorado 12 years ago
The pity is that geniuses like Leonardo are so rare. Imagine what the world might be like if that was the norm, or even 5% of the population? Covered in paint?
Comment icon #12 Posted by Aus Der Box Skeptisch 12 years ago
All the more amazing is the purposeful dedication to task of Da Vinci. Can you imagine spending hours dissecting rather odoriferous decomposing bodies for the simple purpose of advancing one's learning. off topic but I wanted to say I love your avatar! I've loved laurel and Hardy since I was knee high to a grass Hopper. Met some great people who used to do a great impersonation of them when I was younger. Anyways just wanted to say great avatar!!!
Comment icon #13 Posted by andy hair candy 12 years ago
Haha knee hight of a grasshopper! Havnt heard that one since i wAs the knee hight of a grass hopper
Comment icon #14 Posted by CRYSiiSx2 12 years ago
If I remember right wasn't Leonardo Da Vinci imprisoned in 1509 for suspicion of being homosexual by the Church? And this is where he did his autopsies, which is the reason they weren't published? I don't know if I got that right, but I remember something like that...

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