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World of the Bizarre

Man crashes flying car in to tree

By T.K. Randall
May 14, 2013 · Comment icon 18 comments

Image Credit: CC 3.0 Tory Townsend
A unique accident has brought in to focus the potential dangers of a society reliant on flying cars.
Ray Siebring has been piloting the car over British Columbia and was coming in to land at an airport in Vernon when he lost control and crashed in to some woods near a school. "It seemed there was an anomaly on our approach to landing," he said. "It was just a sharp left turn that turned into a spiral, so the spiral took at least three rotations."

The vehicle he'd been flying was the Maverick, a contraption that resembles a dune buggy with a propeller on the back. "We were able to stop the rotation, but our altitude was critically low," said Siebring. "I gave full power to dampen the forced landing and directed the aircraft ... away from the school and into some woods."
A pilot whose flying car would be right at home in a James Bond movie says his life flashed before his eyes Friday when the contraption went out of control as it was landing at the airport in Vernon, B. C.

Source: The Globe and Mail | Comments (18)

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Comment icon #9 Posted by little_dreamer 12 years ago
I guess the tree jumped in front of him.
Comment icon #10 Posted by Andromedan Starseed 333 12 years ago
pretty interesting not that much really.flying cars which already exist the governments like they do with the secrets and information from E.Ts they hide and hold it back from the public.but poor person hope they are okay though
Comment icon #11 Posted by stevemagegod 12 years ago
I wouldn't believe it if i hadn't read it.
Comment icon #12 Posted by Kludge808 12 years ago
pretty interesting not that much really.flying cars which already exist the governments like they do with the secrets and information from E.Ts they hide and hold it back from the public.but poor person hope they are okay though When you have time, could you translate this into English?
Comment icon #13 Posted by Kludge808 12 years ago
It wuz aliens, I tell ya! AIL-E-UNZ! Went 'n knocked him outta da sky like swattin' a fly, they did. Green rays done it. Gotta watch dem alien green rays, y'know. BadEvil things, they is. Not as bad as the purple ones but they still be bad news. Da Ebil Gummint hides all dat kewl stuff but I got Sources 'n they know everything! They got Connections with the Alien Overlords who're actually runnin' the show on this here dirt ball. Yep, yep, runnin' the whole shebang from one of the sub-sub-basements under Area 51. Anyway, that guy ain't supposed to be flyin' those things anywhere people can see.... [More]
Comment icon #14 Posted by The Black Ghost 12 years ago
In other news, the ministry of magic has already had to erased the memories of various muggle witnesses...
Comment icon #15 Posted by CRYSiiSx2 12 years ago
Oh **** look out. Now the fascists are going to try banning us from the air.
Comment icon #16 Posted by madduke 12 years ago
*Answering cell phone in air* "Hey y'all! Watch this!"
Comment icon #17 Posted by Kludge808 12 years ago
Oh **** look out. Now the fascists are going to try banning us from the air. You are joking, right? On a paranoia scale of 0 to 10, you managed to reach 20. You do know that aircraft crash on occasion, don't you? In this case it was a flying car that landed in a tree. It's "newsworthiness" has more of a High Weirdness factor than anything else. Moreover, it was in Canada so it wasn't a Good Ol' 'Murican problem. So you and your militia buddies can go back home and figure out some other sinister plot to take away your Gawd-Given Freedom & Liberty.
Comment icon #18 Posted by -M7 12 years ago
Well heres a reason why we don't have flying cars in our civilization: Because we crash non-flying car to often as is. Put it quite simply: Operating a flying car is no place for amateurs.

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