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Hundreds flee 'cursed' army base

By T.K. Randall
August 17, 2013 · Comment icon 17 comments

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Up to 200 students have fled from an army base in South Africa after a recent bout of mass hysteria.
The students had been participating in the National Rural Youth Service Corps at an army base in Kimberley when hundreds of them started to flee within days of arriving following a series of strange incidents. Some reported sightings of a snake that was said to keep attacking people while others had become terrified by reports of random students losing consciousness for no apparent reason. Another claim centered around an alleged witch who was said to have poisoned the food in the canteen.

"Hundreds of us have seen and experienced supernatural events taking place at the military base," said one student. "Some have seen a snake that keeps on terrorizing us, while others have lost consciousness for unexplained reasons. We have told officials about the events but they have done nothing to allay our fears." [!gad]The students had been participating in the National Rural Youth Service Corps at an army base in Kimberley when hundreds of them started to flee within days of arriving following a series of strange incidents. Some reported sightings of a snake that was said to keep attacking people while others had become terrified by reports of random students losing consciousness for no apparent reason. Another claim centered around an alleged witch who was said to have poisoned the food in the canteen.

"Hundreds of us have seen and experienced supernatural events taking place at the military base," said one student. "Some have seen a snake that keeps on terrorizing us, while others have lost consciousness for unexplained reasons. We have told officials about the events but they have done nothing to allay our fears."
Mass hysteria among hundreds of young students participating in the National Rural Youth Service Corps (Narysec) saw them fleeing the 3SAI Army Base and seeking refuge at the Roodepan police station.

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #8 Posted by SDsmurf 12 years ago
I am south african, and would assume they were probably told there would be some work involved and fled in terror.
Comment icon #9 Posted by cgowens 12 years ago
Funny this never happens in America or any other first world country.
Comment icon #10 Posted by kapow53 12 years ago
I am south african, and would assume they were probably told there would be some work involved and fled in terror. Wow, you know your stuff. Must be really tough for normal people to live there.
Comment icon #11 Posted by Alexandra NightShade 12 years ago
O_O I'm creeped out...
Comment icon #12 Posted by RockShaman 12 years ago
and they, incidentally, had not been paid yet........ uh huh..... case solved.
Comment icon #13 Posted by brlesq1 12 years ago
Mass hysteria, indeed. What a mess.
Comment icon #14 Posted by Colonel Rhuairidh 12 years ago
Funny this never happens in America or any other first world country. really? Reptilians, new World Order conspiracies, every time anything at all happens someone will pop up to explain how it was the Government that did it to give an excuse to round everyone up into concentration camps or Take Away America's Guns; there doesn't seem to be any shortage of hysteria or credulousness in the "First World".
Comment icon #15 Posted by karmakazi 12 years ago
I just happened to watch a show about the madness at Pont-Saint Esprit yesterday, weird because it's similar in a way. ( Some kind of hallucinogen poisoning seems more likely than supernatural occurrences.
Comment icon #16 Posted by Emeraldgemheart 11 years ago
It could be paranormal. In the Bible, in Genesis, it said the serpent was the most crafty and cunning creature. The Bible later explain that the serpent was satan himself.
Comment icon #17 Posted by MackieFried 11 years ago
I have just come across this link regarding the incident at the Roodepan military base in Kimberley. The base is located on the farm where I was raised. As a child I experienced supernatural happenings inside the farmhouse. My father also told stories of supernatural happenings. We had a worker who said he had been chased by a 'tokoloshe' one night and said 'tokoloshe' pulled his jacket right off his body. In 2013 my sister visited Kimberley and managed to get access to the farmhouse that is on the military base, in order to take pictures for us. When she was speaking to a colonel, to get perm... [More]

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