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The UFO Phenomenon

Night vision UFOs filmed over Germany

By T.K. Randall
September 28, 2013 · Comment icon 32 comments

The footage was filmed using night vision. Image Credit: US Army
Three unusual objects have been caught on night vision camera in the skies east of Wittenberg in Germany.
The video was allegedly filmed on September 18th and shows three objects illuminated against the blackness of the night sky. Roughly triangular in shape, the objects seem to move and rotate around one another before one of them shoots off at great speed.
Critics of the footage have pointed out that with no points of reference such as trees or buildings there is no way to corroborate that the objects are even in the sky. The objects themselves also seem excessively prominent, more so than would be expected, while the sky behind them is darker than would be expected. The noise effect in the foreground and the background audio could have also been added in afterwards using video software.

With no further details available it is unlikely we'll ever know for sure, but the footage has generated quite a bit of interest since appearing online and will likely continue to intrigue for some time to come.

Source: Huffington Post | Comments (32)

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Comment icon #23 Posted by DONTEATUS 12 years ago
Are Hoaxes wit -d-mostus the ones that get your goat ? What about the Ones that have a shread of evidence ? Hum ? Still Looking for that Shread I see. Remember even us believers need to have actual Proof,Evidence Ect ! Body`s Space Ships to Fly around ourselfs !
Comment icon #24 Posted by pallidin 12 years ago
Why dismiss everything? Don't disregard, any "Footage" that surfaces. What proof will suffice these days? Landing on the Whitehouse Lawn. Whitehouse lawn? Like heck. I want it to land on MY lawn and take me away from this vicious, oddball civilization. No anal probes, please.
Comment icon #25 Posted by ambelamba 12 years ago
Many pilots report some baffling encounters with UFOs. They don't get leaked to the public, though. Who knows, maybe their cloaking device got some temporary malfunction. So bureaucratic corruption is not unique to Earth.
Comment icon #26 Posted by bruce fiction 12 years ago
I believe in UFO's but I think this is a hoax
Comment icon #27 Posted by Amerix 12 years ago
Well, as the article describes, its most likely fakery, for all the reasons given in that article. Don't you just love when people post articles that debunk themselves? Makes my job a whole lot easier.
Comment icon #28 Posted by seeder 12 years ago
Don't you just love when people post articles that debunk themselves? Makes my job a whole lot easier. yes and the worrying thing is - for the believers, that even tho the article debunks itself, or 'suggests' fakery, the believers didnt read that part. They see the page title, then they see the VIDEO... and thats enough for them to hallucinate what the rest of the page says.. Like I always say...."reading is good"
Comment icon #29 Posted by rajeev shagun 12 years ago
Agreed Seeder but it brings thoughts to me that what if we were able to film or see on many a frequency/heat/sound etc maybe the skies around us are teaming with anomalies etc yah pal,when u mentiond here reminded me the bright-orange object we saw on sep.10 in India,when i first saw it it was orange on distance but 1-2sec. Later it was closer but its edges was red-burning hot looking and blurring and moving like heat effects
Comment icon #30 Posted by rajeev shagun 12 years ago
yes and the worrying thing is - for the believers, why to debunk the true stories?just debunk fakes. I was disbeliever before Sep.10,but after having watched the strange object/ship i give u guarantee that we r not alone here,i wish so much that u as well see those impossible flying things and then will be easer to understand the others those have seen them.
Comment icon #31 Posted by seeder 12 years ago
why to debunk the true stories?just debunk fakes. I was disbeliever before Sep.10,but after having watched the strange object/ship i give u guarantee that we r not alone here,i wish so much that u as well see those impossible flying things and then will be easer to understand the others those have seen them. For the record, Ive had a half dozen sightings in my life. But I still dont believe they were alien ships. I simply do not know what I saw.
Comment icon #32 Posted by rajeev shagun 12 years ago
For the record, Ive had a half dozen sightings in my life. But I still dont believe they were alien ships. yah but it may change ur views if u wud see what we saw..night of sep10 i tried to coax myself dat it was meteor coming exjactly toward our dir. but den it must turn smaller and vanished in the end,but it was e1 bigger and steady till it began to turn slowly left n movd backward 5 times in diffrnt dir. its slow Lturn was like ship

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