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Metaphysics & Psychology

Telekinetic girl prank video goes viral

By T.K. Randall
October 9, 2013 · Comment icon 35 comments

The stunt terrified customers who had no idea what was happening. Image Credit: YouTube / CarrieNYC
A video showing a girl throwing a man against a wall with her mental powers has been circulating the web.
In the video, a man in a coffee shop accidentally spills his drink over a young woman who is working on her computer. Turning on the culprit, she raises her hand in the air and the man is physically thrown backwards across the room and pinned against the wall. Horrified onlookers gasp in terror as the girl proceeds to slide all the tables across the room and then screams so hard that all the paintings fall off the walls.
Far from being a genuine recording of psychic phenomena however the video is actually a stunt set up to help promote the new remake of the movie Carrie based on the Stephen King novel. A special pulley system was rigged up to hoist the man in to the air while all the people sitting around the girl are actors. Only the hapless customers who witness the ordeal have no idea what is going on.

The stunt is the latest in a long line of convincing pranks that have left innocent bystanders shocked and confused. Some argue that stunts designed to scare people should be avoided due to the potential to give someone a heart attack while others dismiss such concerns, instead seeing them as little more than harmless pranks.

Source: CNET | Comments (35)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #26 Posted by baro67 12 years ago
a person with telekinetic powers so developed would make the happiness of scientists ...After a scene like that surely would be interned and dissected lol
Comment icon #27 Posted by Uncle Sam 12 years ago
To be honest, if I had telekinetic powers like that... I would make people think places are haunted just for fun. Of course I could also use it to stop people in their tracks, like lift them off the ground to give them no traction, come in handy when it comes to subduing thieves or murders. I doubt I would want to test the power of stopping bullets though... that is a rather large gamble or if I want to do it subtle, put pressure on them to hold them on the ground, making it where they can't move.
Comment icon #28 Posted by Realm 12 years ago
I like how most hung around, till she started screaming, then I supposed they thought all hell was fixing to break lose and they run.
Comment icon #29 Posted by Realm 12 years ago
I'm amazed no-one pulled a gun out and took a shot at her. She was too good looking to shoot. Now if it had been my mother-in-law.....
Comment icon #30 Posted by Moon Gazer 12 years ago
Haha, this is absolutely awesome. I'm pretty sure I would have freaked out too.
Comment icon #31 Posted by rashore 12 years ago
Neat hoax. But I have to say, I don't think I would have bought into it if I had been there. I would have assumed it was a filming stunt, mostly because stuff like that just does not happen and because it wasn't very good acting. It probably would have startled me at first though.
Comment icon #32 Posted by Lesionia 12 years ago
rotflmfao it was a good prank, but they really should have covered where the pulley was some how. Those people were terrified!
Comment icon #33 Posted by Duchess Gummybuns 12 years ago
Not really paranormal, but still funny as Hell to watch.
Comment icon #34 Posted by Ryu 12 years ago
WAY too overdone in my view. Especially that stupid screaming. Cliche and overused. Honestly I was not impressed, just annoyed at the cheesy acting. Yeah, it was nice how they hid the mechanisms for making the pictures fall off the wall and stuff but it was kind of cheesy right from the beginning.
Comment icon #35 Posted by Hazzard 11 years ago
We see these all the time, usually involving some seriously fake ghost. This one is pretty convincing, and I would have thought... Well mmmaaayybbeee. It was in NYC too. Sorry I missed it. (Gizmodo) That was awesome.

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