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Physicists plan 'Very' Large Hadron Collider

By T.K. Randall
November 17, 2013 · Comment icon 29 comments

Tunnel of the Large Hadron Collider. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 Julian Herzog
With the discovery of the Higgs Boson, attentions have been turned towards a future successor to the LHC.
When the $5 billion Large Hadron Collider was first turned on in 2008, the massive particle accelerator was the biggest the world had ever seen. At the time, some people found it so intimidating that they even believed it could bring about the destruction of the planet by producing black holes that would suck us all out of existence.

Fast forward five years and while we haven't seen any black holes, the collider has been successful in enabling the discovery of the elusive God Particle, the Higgs Boson, the goal physicists had been aiming towards when the facility was first turned on. But with the Higgs now in the bag, what does the future have in store for particle physics and how do you upstage a behemoth like the Large Hadron Collider ?
At a recent US government advisory panel, theoretical physicist Michael Peskin proposed one possible answer - the Very Large Hadron Collider. This gargantuan particle accelerator would dwarf everything that came before it, colliding particles at energies up to 10 times that of the current LHC with a tunnel almost five times as long.

While there are no immediate plans to build such a machine it is likely that it will happen eventually. "It's only prudent to try to sketch a vision decades into the future," said Peskin.

Source: Scientific American | Comments (29)

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Comment icon #20 Posted by Rlyeh 11 years ago
If our sun were to become a black hole, its event horizen would be no bigger than the sun is now. It,s mass would also be the same. All crammed to the point of a needle or smaller. The event horizon would be much smaller, around 3km.
Comment icon #21 Posted by spacecowboy342 11 years ago
Exactly right, which is why tremendous energy and momentum is required to try to produce them in the supercollider. The question in my mind is if there is a natural process for them to form in nature. I saw a Lawrence Krauss video a while back where he said that small pocket universes might also be formed in the collider but to us they would appear to be tiny black holes. I confess I don't really understand this but it fascinates me to no end.
Comment icon #22 Posted by Rlyeh 11 years ago
Exactly right, which is why tremendous energy and momentum is required to try to produce them in the supercollider. The question in my mind is if there is a natural process for them to form in nature. Cosmic rays can be quite a bit more energetic than the particles in the LHC.
Comment icon #23 Posted by spacecowboy342 11 years ago
Cosmic rays can be quite a bit more energetic than the particles in the LHC. http://www.universet...-god-particles/ Good point. Excellent link. Thanks. I wonder then if the universe could be loaded with microscopic black holes?
Comment icon #24 Posted by Lex540 11 years ago
lets wait and see then i will comment
Comment icon #25 Posted by White Crane Feather 11 years ago
If our sun were to become a black hole, its event horizen would be no bigger than the sun is now. It,s mass would also be the same. All crammed to the point of a needle or smaller. It would be much much smaller than that.
Comment icon #26 Posted by White Crane Feather 11 years ago
Exactly right, which is why tremendous energy and momentum is required to try to produce them in the supercollider. The question in my mind is if there is a natural process for them to form in nature. I saw a Lawrence Krauss video a while back where he said that small pocket universes might also be formed in the collider but to us they would appear to be tiny black holes. I confess I don't really understand this but it fascinates me to no end. A black hole can be a universe. Imagine approaching the event horizon were essentially you are accelerating to the speed of light du to the equivalence ... [More]
Comment icon #27 Posted by spacecowboy342 11 years ago
OK mind officially blown. This video by Dr. Krauss I was watching had this question and answer portion at the end where this guy asked Krauss about the possibilty of recreating a mini big bang event under lab conditions and he said it might be possible and that while inside it it would appear to be expanding while to us on this side it would appear to be collapsing into a black hole. What you are saying would seem to go along with that
Comment icon #28 Posted by White Crane Feather 11 years ago
OK mind officially blown. This video by Dr. Krauss I was watching had this question and answer portion at the end where this guy asked Krauss about the possibilty of recreating a mini big bang event under lab conditions and he said it might be possible and that while inside it it would appear to be expanding while to us on this side it would appear to be collapsing into a black hole. What you are saying would seem to go along with that Yes. Have you ever wonderd how the bb could have avoided being a black hole itself i. space had to be expanding so very fast at 'beginning'. If we are in a blac... [More]
Comment icon #29 Posted by spacecowboy342 11 years ago
Yes. Have you ever wonderd how the bb could have avoided being a black hole itself i. space had to be expanding so very fast at 'beginning'. If we are in a black hole right now, the. We can say that space did collapse, much like turning something inside out. I have wondered along those lines before. I have also wondered if every black hole could be a separate universe where space had turned inside out

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