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Did Monroe plan to reveal JFK UFO visit ?

By T.K. Randall
April 18, 2014 · Comment icon 33 comments

President John F. Kennedy. Image Credit: PD
New evidence seems to support the authenticity of a particularly controversial declassified CIA document.
Originally leaked in 1992 before being made public in 1994, the document allegedly contains wiretaps of Marilyn Monroe and her friends recorded just prior to her death in 1962.

The transcripts concern the claim that Monroe had been planning to hold a press conference to reveal that President John F. Kennedy had told her about a visit to an airbase facility where he had witnessed debris recovered from a UFO crash.

The document mentions that Monroe "had secrets to tell, no doubt arising from her trists [sic] with the President and the Attorney General," and that "one such secret mentions the visit by the President at a secret air base for the purpose of inspecting things from outer space."
It also alleges that Monroe had become frustrated by the President as she felt she was being ignored and as a result threatened to "tell all" in a press conference.

While the authenticity of the document has long remained controversial, a recent analysis has shown that it seems to conform very closely to a standard classified Information Report form that was used by the CIA in 1963.

So did JFK really see a crashed UFO, did Monroe really plan to hold a press conference to reveal this to the public and did someone take the ultimate step to ensure that this didn't happen ?

We may never know for sure.

Source: Exopolitics.org | Comments (33)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #24 Posted by DONTEATUS 11 years ago
Wasnt that a Cat Stevens quote ? "Dreaming of a Moon shadow?"
Comment icon #25 Posted by Poltergeistnz 11 years ago
Indeed ,INDEED ! thats about it all wrapped up in a Vogon Poem ! Now ask about the Vogon`s ? Please tell me you wear a badge saying "Ask me about the Vogon's" It would make my day! lol
Comment icon #26 Posted by Myles 11 years ago
"Just got to love the UFO fringe,their conspiracy fairy tales just get more unbelievable and bizarre as the years go on.Talk about clutching at straws,still this one provided me with much amusement." Got to admit, their fairy tales are more interesting then the ones about a virgin getting pregnant by a sky wizard and the senior citizen that builds boats for animals. Why does it always go here. Why bring religion into this? Really brings nothing to the conversation.
Comment icon #27 Posted by Antilles 11 years ago
H'm. Maybe Oswald and the other gunman were shooting at the UFO and they missed and hit JFK instead.....
Comment icon #28 Posted by Silent Trinity 11 years ago
I'm sorry if I have missed the point completely here, and I have said in my posts recently as a new user that I am an open minded observer of things unexplained, but the passage states.."one such secret mentions the visit by the President at a secret air base for the purpose of inspecting things from outer space." Again I apologize if I am missing the mark here, but the whole idea this has to do with UFO's is based upon those two words "outer space". Could it not be the case that they had perhaps recovered a prototype Russian satellite or debris from a test rocket used by the Russians in their... [More]
Comment icon #29 Posted by SaraT 11 years ago
So I suppose next we'll learn that it was actually aliens who assassinated JFK because he knew too much.
Comment icon #30 Posted by Junior Chubb 11 years ago
So I suppose next we'll learn that it was actually aliens who assassinated JFK because he knew too much. They never did find that lady who was filming proceedings wearing a headscarf and sunglasses...
Comment icon #31 Posted by TheGreatBeliever 11 years ago
Did report state anything bout alien bodies? If not he could have just seen an "Unidentified Flying Object" !
Comment icon #32 Posted by itsnotoutthere 11 years ago
Haven't been here for a while , but it seems people have become way more stupid in the last few years.
Comment icon #33 Posted by saalhiwaiji 10 years ago
the man who killed Oswal is involved, alot of other dumbs r involved too, but im still wondering why they murdered JFK!!

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