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The UFO Phenomenon

Pilot reports UFO sighting over Caloundra

By T.K. Randall
April 23, 2014 · Comment icon 58 comments

The object was observed over Australia. Image Credit:
A commercial pilot with more than 30 years of experience believes he witnessed something unusual.
The self-confessed skeptic had been looking up at the sky with his friends on Friday evening when they spotted two colored lights floating up in to the heavens.

Initially believing them to be Chinese lanterns, the pilot, who has withheld his name for privacy reasons, then spotted a third light that appeared to change direction on a whim before heading in the opposite direction.
Having taken several photographs, he later examined the lights on his computer only to discover that he could see what looked like wing tips and the outline of a mysterious aircraft.

"I have heard of and seen many, many things in my career and have flown all over the world... but nothing like this," he said. "I think it is fascinating and if there is some credibility to it... it has changed my mind that there could be something else out there."

A close-up photograph of the object can be viewed - here.

Source: Toowoomba Chronicle | Comments (58)

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Comment icon #49 Posted by DingoLingo 11 years ago
My computer had a crisis of faith and stopped believing it was a computer and became a desk weight instead.. so after talking to it I decided to let it become a paperweight and had to buy a new one..
Comment icon #50 Posted by sinewave 11 years ago
My computer had a crisis of faith and stopped believing it was a computer and became a desk weight instead.. so after talking to it I decided to let it become a paperweight and had to buy a new one.. Congrats on the new hardware.
Comment icon #51 Posted by psyche101 11 years ago
I wouldn't disagree with that. Good to see you again Mr D. Well no wonder, you seem to be living proof that God has a sense of humour.
Comment icon #52 Posted by psyche101 11 years ago
Yeh you sure cracked it there. I'm totally convinced now. I have seen that when trying to look at bright objects without a filter, it looked rather familiar as soon as I saw it. And your explanation is? What aliens?? Gee, I must be psychic huh.
Comment icon #53 Posted by psyche101 11 years ago
A lot like his picture I strongly suspect, well spotted psyche101, I think you've cracked it. The 'blood moon' started on the 14th/15th and lasted for 4 days. He said he saw and photographed this on Friday, the Friday before the date of the article, the 23rd, was the 18th so it falls within the 4 day 'blood moon' period. He also states he saw 3 objects, so why aren't there any pictures with more than 1 object in the frame? From this: This: “A lunar tetrad – four total lunar eclipses in a row – begins on the night of April 14-15. People are calling i... [More]
Comment icon #54 Posted by psyche101 11 years ago
First... as has been proven time and again; there is no such thing as "flying saucers". So, this supposedly anomalous "light" could be anything, literally. The fact that the person making this report is a pilot with 30 years of experience, really means nothing. How experienced is he in interpreting atmospheric phenomena (temperature inversion refraction), or similar events. It could be a bird, a swarm of insects, military aircraft or, as has been so astutely adjudged, the moon. I suspect this person had imbibed alcohol within the 24-hour period prior to this "sighting". You wanna explain how i... [More]
Comment icon #55 Posted by psyche101 11 years ago
I was wondering if it could have been connected in some way to the Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race. I like your thinking Cheers, is that a pic you took?
Comment icon #56 Posted by psyche101 11 years ago
It's a weather balloon filled with swamp gas that got struck by ball lightening which ignited the swamp gas giving it the glowing affect. You have been led up the garden path mate - even the Moon does not exist Check this link out LOL
Comment icon #57 Posted by psyche101 11 years ago
Whenever I see "self confessed skeptic" I know a truckload of BS is on the way. LOL, it's like starting out with I don't mean to offend, but......... It's a weather balloon filled with swamp gas that got struck by ball lightening which ignited the swamp gas giving it the glowing affect. Remote controlled by Bigfoot
Comment icon #58 Posted by Mangoze 11 years ago
Cheers, is that a pic you took? Yes, with a Samsung Galaxy S4 active at full zoom from Shorncliffe.

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