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Modern Mysteries

UK rocked by mystery explosions and bangs

By T.K. Randall
November 30, 2014 · Comment icon 36 comments

Some of the sounds were heard across the UK. Image Credit: CC BY 3.0 Joseph Plotz
People from London to Glasgow reported hearing loud unexplained noises on Saturday night.
In some areas the booms, which occurred between 10pm and 10.30pm, were so loud that they shook windows and left many people scared and confused.

Some took to social media sites to speculate over what might have happened with suggestions ranging from a meteorite explosion to the sonic boom of a passing aircraft. The Ministry of Defence however has denied that any jets had been scrambled over the country at the time the noises were heard.
A loud explosion was also picked up near Catterick, Britain's largest army base, at 3am on the same night. Police carried out a full investigation but couldn't find anything to explain it.

The incidents follow another loud bang that was heard over Manchester earlier in the week. Fire crews conducted a detailed search but were unable to locate the source of the explosion.

Source: Mirror | Comments (36)

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Recent comments on this story
Comment icon #27 Posted by SolarPlexus 10 years ago
Maybe something similar to the Hum? No, that's Cthulhu :DDDD
Comment icon #28 Posted by Sir Wearer of Hats 10 years ago
Call UNIT...
Comment icon #29 Posted by DieChecker 10 years ago
Call UNIT... Probably those pesky sontarans again....
Comment icon #30 Posted by Red Howler 10 years ago
At 7.15 p.m. last night (02/12/2014) I heard "thunder" that vibrated the window. It lasted for about 15 minutes. The sky wasn't cloudy and I couldn't see anything apart from moon and stars. So yeah, apologies for my previous joke. I wonder if it was that same sound?
Comment icon #31 Posted by OverSword 10 years ago
I was listening to a podcast this morning and they were talking about this and played a recording of the phenomena. I had been hearing the exact same sounds at night all summer here in Seattle this year. I often wondered what they were but figured there was probably some reasonable explanation since you hear a lot of different sounds in the city so never really thought much about it. Now it kind of bothers me that I ignored something that after re-examining it was a bit on the mysterious side. It sounds like distant rapid mortars or fireworks or something and I sat here on UM and blew it off l... [More]
Comment icon #32 Posted by qxcontinuum 10 years ago
I am wondering if the military attacks against Isis wouldn't be the cause of it. The sound hearings are coincidentally during the same days when actions were carried on. Perhaps the sound it is propagating ?
Comment icon #33 Posted by freetoroam 10 years ago
There was one reported in nearby Catterick, North Yorkshire, close to the army base on Saturday. Following numerous reports of an explosion, police closed off the A1 thinking a bomb had gone off. Apart from finding some old detonators, they still have no explanation for the loud bang. Yes there is an explanation for the loud bang: In a statement, police said: "With the assistance of the military, officers have recovered a number of ageing detonators from the side of the A1 adjacent to Marne Barracks. These detonators are being removed by the army's bomb disposal team to a safe area where a con... [More]
Comment icon #34 Posted by qxcontinuum 10 years ago
i just found that on the exact day, similar booms have been heard at a military base in us.. http://mysteriousuni...ll-unexplained/
Comment icon #35 Posted by scaniaman 10 years ago
bangs that sound like guns, it is salford, be some dealers at war. on the serious side salford is a very industrial area, trafford park is nearby, lots of noise all the time.
Comment icon #36 Posted by Shouldthisexist 10 years ago
Three threads in a row all revolving around the same thing. Hmm in the other threads ice quakes where discussed as a local cause of the loud booms, I don't know a lot about Manchester just thought might be a natural cause similar to look into

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