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Space & Astronomy

Earth protected by invisible 'force field'

By T.K. Randall
November 28, 2014 · Comment icon 46 comments

A mysterious force-field is protecting the planet from electrons. Image Credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 NikoLang
Scientists have identified an invisible shield around our planet that protects us from deadly electrons.
It might sound like something out of Star Trek, but scientists from the University of Colorado Boulder have revealed the discovery of a natural force-field that exists within the Van Allen radiation belts, two doughnut shaped rings filled with electrons and protons that encircle the planet.

This invisible barrier, which is located around 7,200 miles above the Earth, appears to be preventing the belt's high-energy electrons from reaching the planet's atmosphere.
"It's almost like theses electrons are running into a glass wall in space," said Professor Daniel Baker. "Somewhat like the shields created by force fields on Star Trek that were used to repel alien weapons, we are seeing an invisible shield blocking these electrons."

Previously it was thought that the gradual interaction with air molecules was responsible for preventing these high-energy particles from reaching us.

"It's an extremely puzzling phenomenon," said Prof. Baker.

Comments (46)

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Comment icon #37 Posted by theotherguy 10 years ago
It repels electrons, but not, say, neutrinos. It's on the edge of the van Allen belt. It's not a physical force field, it's another electromagnetic ring. Calling it "Star Trek-like" (or even "Star Wars-like") is a bit sensationalist. People have gotten on the moon (there are plenty of threads arguing this statement, please don't make this thread another one), so it's not harmful to us. I'm just seeing another layer of the magnetosphere, unless I'm missing something. Rereading this, I sound a bit rain-on-the-parade-y. I'm not trying to downplay the importance of the discovery. I just think peop... [More]
Comment icon #38 Posted by KevinP 10 years ago
I saw this on Yahoo last night, and was intrigued by it. I think they need to study this more because this is one of the things keeping us from sending humans out to explore our own solar system is the radiation. And yes I do know it's only one of the things, but figuring out how to create a shield against the ravages of radiation in space is a step in the right direction. This would even have special implication for unmanned craft as well.
Comment icon #39 Posted by Peter B 10 years ago
I saw this. How fascinating! As I am starting to always say "Science, as we know it today, is unfinished. By it's very nature, modern science is unfinished." Very much so. Someone else put it rather more elegantly than I can, but I once read of science as something allowing us to gradually spiral in on The Ultimate Truth; we're never likely to reach it, but we can always get a little closer.
Comment icon #40 Posted by Calibeliever 10 years ago
Rereading this, I sound a bit rain-on-the-parade-y. I'm not trying to downplay the importance of the discovery. I just think people are too quickly saying "God/the gods/the aliens are protecting us" when to me, it sounds more like "we are here because it's protected." The "force field" isn't here because of us, we are here because of it. If someone finds out that the force field is made of precisely fitted hexagonal electromagnetic plates being generated by the Mars base, I, for one, will welcome our alien overlords. If you have faith, everything is proof of God. If you don't, nothing is proof... [More]
Comment icon #41 Posted by lightly 10 years ago
in another thread about this ( latest news?) UM member Bison posted a link to an abstract which explained that this shield is "transitory" ... it came and went in a matter of hours? .. i think it said. Still a very interesting discovery. I wonder how often it forms and dissipates ,or whatever ?
Comment icon #42 Posted by DieChecker 10 years ago
in another thread about this ( latest news?) UM member Bison posted a link to an abstract which explained that this shield is "transitory" ... it came and went in a matter of hours? .. i think it said. Still a very interesting discovery. I wonder how often it forms and dissipates ,or whatever ? Interesting.... I didn't see that before.
Comment icon #43 Posted by ancient astronaut 10 years ago
This may have already been said, but I thought that was the job of the Van Allen belt?????
Comment icon #44 Posted by lightly 10 years ago
it looks like the Van Allen radiation belts are Created by solar wind and cosmic rays reacting to the Earth's magnetosphere .. http://www.fromquark...adiation-belts/ ... our planet is constantly bombarded by a steady stream of high energy particles from the sun. In addition to this, we have cosmic rays (high energy particles that are mainly originating from outside the Solar System) striking our planet. Without Earth’s magnetic field, these cosmic storms and high energy particles would strip away our atmosphere, destroying our cellular structure and evaporating our oceans in the process. Luc... [More]
Comment icon #45 Posted by danielost 10 years ago
How is it they can discover distant black holes, planets and more but a star trek like shield goes unnoticed all this time. Cmon they weren't looking for it. just like we are in a nebula cloud but we can't see it.
Comment icon #46 Posted by DieChecker 10 years ago
I learned today that the inner Van Allen belt is associated with protons, and the outer Van Allen belt is associated with electrons. Good stuff.

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